View Full Version : No Turning Today

John Hart
01-21-2006, 8:36 PM
Man! I'm going through Withdrawls.:( I usually get to turn at least one thing on Saturday...but not today. Spent the morning with the chainsaw, the afternoon looking at the house we're going to buy....And now I'm cleaning the shop because Keith Christopher is coming tomorrow, and I can't let him see my RATTY, MESSY, PILED UP, CESSPOOL of a shop.

Sheesh....How did I let it get this bad? :eek:

Ok...rant over. Now I'll have Ice Cream. :)

Jim Becker
01-21-2006, 8:56 PM
...the afternoon looking at the house we're going to buy....

Hmmm....now that's an interesting tid-bit! Do tell us about the new shop, John...LOL! :D

Bob Noles
01-21-2006, 8:58 PM
You know John...... they say that is exactly how rust sets in :eek:

Just finished a bowl of ice cream myself..... always makes you feel better.

Andy Hoyt
01-21-2006, 9:00 PM
New house? Umm, like Jim said - Dontcha mean new "studio" with associated other elements?

I trust you picked up some sprinkles, too.

That's exactly what I was thinking....Only, I prefer Häagen-Dazs Coffee...and a little chocolate syrup.....and maybe some whipped cream...and uh.....excuse me...I gotta go to the store. ;)

John Hart
01-21-2006, 9:21 PM
Ok...I must admit...this DOES make me feel better.

Let me introduce you to my new "studio"

It's about the same size as my present house....But it's all woodshop. Brick, One Buggy Garage, full upstairs loft, overhead delivery door, Diesel engine-driven compressor/1000 gal tank, Wood racks...Total of about 1800 sq ft. Ok....NOW I'll go have ice cream!:) :)


Dick Parr
01-21-2006, 9:30 PM
Great looking place John, where is it at?

Travis Stinson
01-21-2006, 9:32 PM

Doug Jones
01-21-2006, 9:42 PM
Thats just about a dream shop for me. Nice place.

Cecil Arnold
01-21-2006, 9:56 PM
I'm gonna be green.

Jim Becker
01-21-2006, 10:05 PM
Geepers...I can't even type the words I'd like to use right now...darn TOS!! :D :D :D

Saaaaaaa-wwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!! Nice one, John!! Looks like a great property, too. I bet the kids will love it. Tell more when you can.

Corey Hallagan
01-21-2006, 10:16 PM
Wow John, that is a dream shop space for sure. Very cool! Congrats, can't wait to see it all set up!


Bill Stevener
01-21-2006, 10:39 PM
WHOW John, who's going to clean that one. Now you have to get 37 routers like Norm. Best set up an intercom with the house, so the family knows you still live there.

Really looks nice, I wish you many happy and enjoyable days in your new shop-- ups, studio.


Bernie Weishapl
01-21-2006, 10:49 PM
Sheesh John, now you will probably have a PM3520, a Oneway, a Novus, a Jet and maybe find a corner for the old lathe.:eek: :eek: :eek: :D :D

That is going to be one nice shop John. Room to roam. I had the same question above who is going to be cleaning that warehouse?

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
01-21-2006, 10:49 PM

No toilet or shower...?

How are you going to "live" there without...?

Nuker and fridge are easy... ;):D

Very nice, I can only ever hope to have something like that....:(


Andy Hoyt
01-21-2006, 11:09 PM
Holy Pile of Shavings, Batman!

In all seriousness, John - this is way beyond the mortal abilites of Häagen-Dazs Coffee ice cream.

You need a gallon of Turkish Chocolate and Coffee with Raspberry Truffle

Dennis Peacock
01-21-2006, 11:26 PM
OK John.......I don't wanna hear a THING about you not getting any turning time. What I really wanna know is: How'd you turn an 1800 sq ft building on that lathe of yours!?????:confused: :rolleyes: :p :D

Very nice John.....Congrats......Hey.....pass the ice cream will ya. ;)

Chip Sutherland
01-21-2006, 11:41 PM
I hate it. It's not MMMYYYY new shop. I am flipping jealous, jealous jealous!!!!!.

I didn't see your cot, TV and refrigerator.....did you forget about naptime?

You are sooooo lucky. Have fun in it.

Rich Stewart
01-22-2006, 1:00 AM
My HOUSE is 1300 sq ft. Haha. Nice shop John.

Gary Max
01-22-2006, 4:42 AM
You have to be the happiest man in town---just think of how much sawdust you can pile up before you have get a shovel out.

Bob Noles
01-22-2006, 7:08 AM

Whoa fella..... Is this for real? If it is you are gonna be the envy of SMC :cool:

That looks like a dream come true and for a deserving person at that!

John Hart
01-22-2006, 7:10 AM
Thanks guys. Yep, I'm a happy camper.:D I've disliked my house just about as long as I can....so this is pretty exciting. Here's a few details:

Looks like the target date is June...that gives them time to build their new house and gives us time to sell ours. It's just outside Middlefield, Ohio, which is in the heart of Amish country and it is an amish-built property. There's no electricity, but we're having that installed next month. All other aspects, such as water, bathrooms, heating are all modern, but they run the house on pneumatic power. I just need to do conversions to electric where necessary. There are actually 2 houses on the property. I'll be connecting the 2 houses with an atrium of sorts, with the main house being the main living area and the other house being guest rooms and den and whatever else. The 2nd house also has kitchen, bathroom, workshop, garage, 2 bedrooms. We have a bunch of work to do between now and June so I think the time will pass quickly.
Here's some more pics....some are from last summer when we were just thinking about it.

This is a shot of the main house (summer pic)

This is the second house

Here's a pic from the backyard looking at the 2 houses (Yesterday)

It has a Stable (Don't know if we'll convert this to a garage/shop or get a horse)

This is a picture of Rachel walking in front of the woodshop with the main house to the right and the farm of our only neighbors in the background

Andy Hoyt
01-22-2006, 7:24 AM
Yikes! What be the acreage? Doing the electrical install prior to ownership? Isn't that a bit awkward?

John Hart
01-22-2006, 7:30 AM
Yikes! What be the acreage? Doing the electrical install prior to ownership? Isn't that a bit awkward?

Total of 5 acres with an option to get up to an additional 90. For now, I'm stoked about the 5. As far as the electricity, it's a funny arrangement.
Because I am having the electricity installed, it is technically mine, which means they can use it. So, they are going to move their appliances out and use MY electricity until they move. Goofy....but hey, it works for everybody.

Michael Stafford
01-22-2006, 7:51 AM

I have to laugh, I have to get a horse.....yeah, right but in that picture of Rachel I can almost see the balloon over her head that reads, "Finally somewhere to put the pony I have always wanted." Pony or no, it looks like a great place to raise children and a wonderful place for deserving adults to spend some time as well. Congratulations!:D :D :D :D

Jim Dunn
01-22-2006, 8:27 AM
John and family, congrats on the new place. Please let daddy set up his shop before you get a horse as they are dangerous animals and it's going to take some time to heal and get back on his feet after it attacks him. (hey it's my first post this morning and i aint had my coffee, Yet).

Chris Barton
01-22-2006, 9:07 AM
Hey John,

Great news about the house/property. I am currently in the search phase for some acreage and hope to build out in the county somewhere. I am ready to retire from suburban life...

Ernie Nyvall
01-22-2006, 9:59 AM

Okay... a house, a second house, stable, and shop... that is just wonderful. With that kind of setup, do we see woodworking classes in the future?

Hey everyone, we have a place to stay if passing through Middlefield... dubs on the shop loft... I love the smell of sawdust in the morning.:p

It's just great John.


Carole Valentine
01-22-2006, 10:02 AM
Gosh darn it! Here it is a Sunday morning and I am already breaking one of the Ten Commandments! Yes, I COVET that shop, John!!!! But since I can't have it, I'm glad it's YOU that's going to be filling it with shavings!:D:D:D
Congrats! I know you just can't wait to get in there.:)

Andy Hoyt
01-22-2006, 10:03 AM
....Hey everyone, we have a place to stay if passing through Middlefield... dubs on the shop loft... I love the smell of sawdust in the morning....
Passing through? Nope. It's the destination.

We could raid the woods for turning stock, use the horses to skid 'em out to the driveway and into our lumber haulers, and still have time left over for a grand ole rendezvous.

Should have known better, John.:D

Jim Becker
01-22-2006, 10:27 AM
John, the property looks wonderful. So much opportunity. And if you find a way to swing additional acerage...it will be a "really good" investment over time.

You'll have to start threads that detail your changes as the progress...one for the houses/property and one for the shop!! :)

George Conklin
01-22-2006, 11:36 AM
John. You are the envy of woodworkers everywhere! And may I say you are now, truly, my hero!

Here's an idea for the stable. Turn it into a bed and breakfast of sorts for turners from across the country wanting to take classes from you.

In all seriousness, that property is just wonderfull. I've lived in the suburbs all my life and most of it on the left cost. What you have there looks like a little piece of Heaven.



P.S. I'd Pass on the horses. Too much work. Less time turning:D .

Keith Burns
01-22-2006, 3:51 PM
Mr. John Hart, you dirty rascal you............. If anyone deserves it, you do. Way to go:) :) :)

John Miliunas
01-22-2006, 4:10 PM
Holy smokes, dude!!! That's a score and a half! :) Yup, color me green. It's stuff like that which dreams are made of! Congrats, John...You've earned it! :) :cool:

John Hart
01-23-2006, 7:28 AM
Thanks everyone! I really like the Bed n Breakfast idea that George came up with. Sheesh...Horses...no way. The girls have already voiced their desires but since I grew up with horses, I was able to articulate the amount of work that THEY will have to do. They decided that it's best to turn the Stable into a Clubhouse.:D

Yep...I can't wait. Gotta a bunch of stuff to do to get 'er done. I think I'll follow Jim's advice and start a new thread to document our progress.

Thanks again everyone.

Ernie Nyvall
01-23-2006, 5:42 PM
Thanks everyone! I really like the Bed n Breakfast idea that George came up with. Sheesh...Horses...no way. The girls have already voiced their desires but since I grew up with horses, I was able to articulate the amount of work that THEY will have to do. They decided that it's best to turn the Stable into a Clubhouse.:D

Yup, you have to be devoted to handle most livestock, and horses??? I don't even want to talk about.:)


Ron Journeau
01-23-2006, 7:17 PM
being from the country myself,John, and wishing I could move back yesterday, Congratulations. A place like that makes a lot of years and tribulations seem worth it. Use it well, my friend, and may you call it home for a long, long time.

Dick Parr
01-24-2006, 1:39 AM
Wow John, you are going to love Middlefield. I spent half my childhood there as my grandparents lived their. I loved going to Burton for the maple sugar festival in the square. That was when my grandfather and I weren't making our own. They also put on a darn good fair, I worked there a number of years. If you love cheese then you are moving to the right part of the country. Lots of cheese factory's there.

Man all that and a big shop to go along with it. What a life....:D ;)

John Bailey
01-24-2006, 4:29 AM

Congratulations on the property. I used to live in Amish country and they were the best builders around. Whenever anybody wanted something built right, they would hire the Amish. You are goin to love it.


Jeff Sudmeier
01-24-2006, 9:16 AM
Wow John, congrats on the property!! Are you sure you really need electricity, come on now! :)

This will be quite the project, but man will you have a SWEEEET home!

John Hart
01-24-2006, 9:30 AM
Wow John, congrats on the property!! Are you sure you really need electricity, come on now! :)

This will be quite the project, but man will you have a SWEEEET home!

Good point Jeff. The Guy who owns it now is a master woodworker with a shop full of Powermatic tools, pneumatics, cordless equipment, a warm house, full plumbing.....You know...the typical zero frills, simple Amish life!;)

tod evans
01-24-2006, 9:43 AM
congratulations john! now buck up and get the kid a horse, our 14yo takes care of hers and has a summer job working with the local farrier. i grew up on a farm also and it`s work but i wouldn`t trade it for 100 suburbs......02 tod

Gary Herrmann
01-24-2006, 1:16 PM
Every time I see something like this, I try to figure out how to tell my wife I want to move us further out so I can get 5 or 10 acres (with a big ol pond, yeah!). Now that he's in kindergarten, I don't think she'll want to move when his school is 1/4 mile down the street.

I wonder if I can get my neighbors to sell me part of their back yard so I can build a dream shop.... Or maybe I'll expand the garage and then steal the whole thing...

Oh, and congrats. ;)

Jeff Singleton
01-24-2006, 4:03 PM
John, Nice looking property. I have always felt that the shop should be bigger then the house, although LOML would bash my head if she read that. How far are you from Camp Chikagami, it's a Boy Scout camp that isn't anymore but we still camp there? Also, how many times will you cross Lake LaDue with your coming and going? Hope you can make some sawdust soon.

Jeff Singleton

John Hart
01-24-2006, 4:34 PM
Sounds like we'll almost be neighbors Jeff....At least when you're there camping!;)
About 7 miles from the boy scout camp....and I'll be going over the lake every day on my way to work. Unless I decide to take the scenic route. Ahhhh...no more downtown traffic!!!:D