View Full Version : Just Looking

Jim Koepke
06-30-2022, 6:16 PM
Every month Patrick Leach sends out a list of tools he has for sale.

To me this is one of the highlights to the beginning of the month. A lot of knowledge and enjoyable reading has been supplied by his list.

The July list came today. While perusing the miscellaneous section this shocked me:


Years ago when it was clearly folly to ask Candy if it was okay to spend $1,000 on an old plane my time was bided until it seemed possible she would consent to me spending $250 on a new plane. The box for mine is around here somewhere. Maybe now that it is no longer made and rare it can be sold for the cost of a Stanley #1.

My LN #1 does actually get used on occasion.


Jake Hillestad
07-01-2022, 11:35 PM
Lie Nielsen everything has been nuts since the 'Vid shutdowns started.

Discontinued stuff was pricey before but is through the stratosphere now. I let go of a 5 1/4 last fall for ridiculous money as far as I'm concerned.