View Full Version : Lesson learned

Sam Force
06-26-2022, 5:21 PM
We had the pleasure of our youngest grandson spending a few days with us. He is 14 and has been of great help at times and I have allowed him to use a few power tools with a lot of guidance. He was bored the other day and asked for a piece of wood so he could drive some nails into it. This was something I thought he was a little too old to be asking for, but I said sure. I found a piece of 10/4 oak and gave him a box of nails and said have fun. After about 30 minutes he had managed to bend about 8 nails and was more than a little frustrated. I advised him that when he was done I would offer a suggestion to improve his nail driving success. Finally he gave up and asked for advise, I then handed him a piece of 10/4 popular and told him to maybe pick his own wood next time. Needless to say his grandma was not happy with me:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Frederick Skelly
06-26-2022, 5:23 PM
Naughty ole Granddad! :)

Lee Schierer
06-26-2022, 6:35 PM
You probably also gave him a ball peen hammer to drive them with.:D

Jim Koepke
06-26-2022, 6:48 PM
I didn't learn the proper way to drive nails until later in life.

Bought a set of the Audel's builder's guide on ebay and found the part about keeping the flat of the hammer head and the elbow in the same plane. Not very many nails have bent on me since then.


Bruce Wrenn
06-26-2022, 9:08 PM
Our #3 grandson spent the better part of a summer helping me build a handicap ramp for church next door. He used up a bunch of nails in a pneumatic nailer, fastening it together. Come fall, he takes ag-mechanics in school. One day instructor said they were going to practice driving nails, so get a hammer. Grandson just looked at him, and then asked where the nail guns were?

Lee DeRaud
07-01-2022, 2:12 PM
I didn't learn the proper way to drive nails until later in life.
Air nailer? (duck and run :))

(In all seriousness, I hate hammers: due to a congenital eye issue, I have absolutely zero depth perception. Not a big fan of axes either.)

Maurice Mcmurry
07-01-2022, 4:16 PM
I have driven a few tons of nails. I do not recommend it. Nor does my Orthopedic Surgeon. I am on the list for an elbow replacement. I am terrified by the idea and am trying to put it off until the procedure has advanced. I keep aviation drill bits in my kit and pre drill almost every nail.

Alan Lightstone
07-03-2022, 8:33 AM
Our #3 grandson spent the better part of a summer helping me build a handicap ramp for church next door. He used up a bunch of nails in a pneumatic nailer, fastening it together. Come fall, he takes ag-mechanics in school. One day instructor said they were going to practice driving nails, so get a hammer. Grandson just looked at him, and then asked where the nail guns were?
Reminds me of when I was in Kindergarten and my teachers has us look at a clock, and tell what time it was by looking at the hands. The only clock we had at home was one of the very original digital clocks. I kept trying to explain that clocks have no hands. I'm sure she thought I needed help. It wasn't until Show-and-Tell where I brought the clock in that she sort of understood.
I think that kids now having no idea what cursive is, and getting confused is the same phenomenon.

There was a David Letterman show on many years ago where he announced that Bob Vila was a guest. The audience applauded loudly. "And he's got a nail gun!!" The audience went crazy. :D