View Full Version : End Grain Drilling on the Drill Press

Mike Goetzke
06-16-2022, 8:25 PM
My son wants to make candle holders out of hardwood logs by drilling about a 2-1/2” hole in the end with a Forstner bit.

The wood is ash and my 1hp drill press is stalling on the cut. I’m running the bit at 250RPM and 300RPM. I know end grain is hard to drill but any hints welcome.

( I did try a side grain cut and the bit cuts like butter)

Maurice Mcmurry
06-16-2022, 8:39 PM
That might be a job for a hole saw and a series of smaller bits or router. How deep do you hope to go?

Zachary Hoyt
06-16-2022, 8:58 PM
I would make sure your bit is sharp. You can sharpen them yourself with a Dremel grinding stone or probably other ways, that's just how I do it.

johnny means
06-16-2022, 9:00 PM
I would drill a small hole first, then incrementally increase the hole size. These are 3/4" holes in ash. I did them in 3 passes, 1/4, 1/2, then 3/4".

Bruce Wrenn
06-16-2022, 9:15 PM
I would use a plunge router and a template guide bushing, along with a circle template (correct sized hole bored in a piece of plywood, fastened to end grain.)

Mike Goetzke
06-16-2022, 10:04 PM
Thanks for the replies. I should have mentioned I was using a brand new Fisch wave bit. It seemed to just burnish the hole. Maybe a router or paddle bit would work better.

Don Stephan
06-17-2022, 8:56 AM
As you found, end grain is harder to work than side grain, and dry wood harder to work than green. Check a recommended speed chart for your drill press. Lower RPM might help the motor.