View Full Version : Which Jointer to Keep

Ty wayne
06-15-2022, 7:16 PM

I need some input on which 8” jointer I should keep. I purchased the Rockwell/Delta 37-315 jointer from the original owner after seeking advice here. I replaced the power cord, belt, and knives. I’ve used it for a couple years and have been happy with it. It’s a three knife cutter with 66” bed, single phase and made in the USA from the 60’s or 70’s.

I recently acquired a Grizzly G0656 four knife cutter with 72” bed, made in Taiwan. I got it for a great price and it’s in great shape other than needing new knives soon. I’ve haven’t messed with this one much as far as dialing it in. I tested a board and definitely needs a little fine tuning but not bad. It has a manufacturing date of 2015.

So what do y’all think on which one I should keep and sell?

Andrew Hughes
06-15-2022, 7:53 PM
That’s a easy choice.
The Delta because it’s made in America that should always come First.

Tom M King
06-15-2022, 8:59 PM
Here is my 315 that I just dug out of a storage building a few weeks ago after not being touched for 15 years. Look at the reflection of the fence on the beds after about 20 minutes of work. It was made when they knew how, and cared about the quality of cast iron. This one was moved not so carefully once a year for over 30 years, and still dead on. I bought it from a school auction in 1975. I needed one to use here, and this one was close at hand. This one also has the Rockwell brand on it.

Maurice Mcmurry
06-15-2022, 9:17 PM
480973 480974
I just have to see things right side up to know what to say or think. Green and shiny both look good, rusty too!

Is the canoe a Grumman?

Bill Dufour
06-15-2022, 11:41 PM
If the delta has a modern fence keep that one. I assume the grizzly has a modern style fence?
Bill D

Jonathan Jung
06-16-2022, 1:08 AM
I would use both, say 2 months on one, then 2 months on the other, then decide. Or pick which one has the stronger motor so it can handle a helical head more easily. My 8" Grizzly is always needing fiddling it seems, with outfeed height, and I've had to shim it 3 different times. It seems if I move it wrong it goes out of adjustment. And it doesn't have enough power for a helical head.

Brian Runau
06-16-2022, 7:27 AM
Which does a better job and feels better to you? Brian

Josko Catipovic
06-16-2022, 8:17 AM
My 315's been bulletproof since ~'85 or so. It still lines up perfectly.

Tom M King
06-16-2022, 8:29 AM
Maurice, Yes a 17' Grumman. That, a couple of kayaks, a bunch of paddles and PFD's were free for the pickup from a nearby lake house. They were all dirty..... Houses here sell the same day they go on the market. The real estate agent wanted everything out of the yard for one going on the market, so they were free for the pickup. I need to build a bigger paddle house for our rental lake house.

Maurice Mcmurry
06-16-2022, 8:42 AM
Maurice, Yes a 17' Grumman. That, a couple of kayaks, a bunch of paddles and PFD's were free for the pickup from a nearby lake house. They were all dirty..... Houses here sell the same day they go on the market. The real estate agent wanted everything out of the yard for one going on the market, so they were free for the pickup. I need to build a bigger paddle house for our rental lake house.

Thats a great score! We have several Grumman devotees in the family and a MR 340 aluminum division championship.

William Hodge
06-16-2022, 8:56 AM
Keep them both.

I had a Delta jointer like that for 10years.

The Delta probably has better castings, and might be easier to make run true. I would keep the Griz for dirty wood. It's nice to be able to clean up wood and get it flat and not dull the knives on the good jointer.

Apologies to the guy that owns Grizzley. I own and use Grizzley stuff, and appreciate the way the company has improved over the years. My first Grizzley tool was a dust collector, 1997.

glenn bradley
06-16-2022, 9:36 AM
The fence on your Delta looks similar to my Grizzly G0490X. No surprise there since it is a DJ-20 clone. As Jonathan points out dove tail ways can be an issue; when they're not, they're not but when they are . . . If the Delta ways have not been abused I would take the Delta. I am a sucker for long tables on a jointer though. Outboard supports are OK but long tables are better IMHO. Tough choice if both are working well.

Mark Gibney
06-16-2022, 9:42 AM
I'm guessing you're in favor of the Delta but like the longer Grizzly bed?

I would sell one and buy a Hermance (still American made?) helical head for the other, and enjoy the extra room in my workshop, the smoother milling and the lower sound levels.

Jim Becker
06-16-2022, 9:46 AM
Which does a better job and feels better to you? Brian
^^ This. You have to make an objective decision, not a subjective one, for choices like this.

Ty wayne
06-16-2022, 12:38 PM
Thank you all for the input. I’m definitely leaning toward my delta/rockwell. I like the longer bed of the grizzly but the heft of the delta along with made in America has my preference. I’m going to tinker with dialing in the grizzly more today hopefully and go from there.

I’m definitely going to sell one, what do you guys think for a fair price?

Robert L Stewart
06-16-2022, 1:14 PM
I have the same model Delta, bought in 1978. Still using it, still love, no issues, works perfectly!

Jay Rasmussen
06-16-2022, 1:19 PM
I like the Delta but you might also consider availability of parts. Do you put a lot of hours on your Jointer.

What was the great price you paid for the Grizzly? Sounds like it will easy to make a little profit. I use Craig's list and ebay for rough market value.

Ty wayne
06-16-2022, 1:32 PM
I paid $450 for grizzly jointer and no, I’m not logging a bunch of hours. I’m a hobbyist. I do as much as time permits but I have a lot of obligations that eat up my free time, so I only use it a couple times a month right now. The goal is to eventually start a small business making misc. furniture and cutting boards.

Michael Schuch
06-17-2022, 3:57 AM
When I upgraded from a 6" jointer to an 8" jointer the extra 2in of width is nice to have on occasion. The extra bed length of the 8" over my old 6" is nice to have on pretty much every piece of stock longer than the input table length. I love classic old American tools (if that is in fact what that particular Delta is) but I will go for the longer bed length every time with all else being equal.

My 8" Jet jointer did take a fair bit of clean up to get the fence sturdy and able to reliable hold an angle (or perpendicular). After doing a little milling on the Jet fence mount it is fine. But I would give serious consideration to the quality of the two fences. I still greatly prefer a longer bed though "if all else is equal".