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mike calabrese
05-30-2022, 9:20 AM
For all American Veterans..............THANK YOU

I saw our Flag today, The colors were faded looking a little tired but still standing strong and proud in the summer wind.
It reminded me of the Sons and Daughters of yesterday’s America who stood for my freedom years before I was born free in America.
Over time many may have faded away but the glory and honor of their service to America will never fade.

I saw our Flag today it flew bravely in the wind a bit tattered and worn but still strong , and proud over America.
It flies for the Sons and Daughters of America who fought for my freedom, battle tested and hardened to stand against the forces that would take away my freedom.
Like a battle flag they too stand in great pride and honor, battle scared , proud and selfless in their dedication to America and the freedom they protected.

I saw a flag today. The colors were bright, strong as it embraced in silence and great honor a fallen hero. An American Hero who stood up and made a commitment to duty, to our America and gave all to insure countless generations will live on in American freedom.
Born in freedom and fallen in battle they will ever rest in the arms and hearts of a free and grateful America.

I saw a flag pole today. It flew no glory but stood silently in the wind empty and wanting for the absence of our colors.
It reminded me of the Sons and Daughters of America who stood for my freedom who have yet to come home to the America they honorably served.
America can only be completely free when every one of her Sons and Daughters of Freedom can come home, home to the America and the freedom they gave all to protect.

Thank you American Heroes......On this your day and every day......I will never forget that I get to be here forever free because you were there for my freedom.
Thank you for my freedom...mike calabrese.

Mike Henderson
05-30-2022, 10:55 AM
Today, we honor and remember those who gave their lives in service to our country.

While, technically, it's not the day we honor our veterans (that's Veteran's Day), I want to thank all of our veterans. You went and could have wound up being remembered this day.


Bert Kemp
05-30-2022, 3:17 PM
Well thats beautiful thank you for posting. I had a post for today but this is better .

Brian Elfert
05-31-2022, 8:29 AM
I went to the annual Memorial day parade and remembrance the VFW holds in a local town. The parade is very informal with the VFW honor guard leading the way followed by the fire department in dress uniform. Behind them is the high school marching band and then the Boy Scouts who I was walking with. The general public is invited to walk in the parade after the Boy Scouts. The parade only goes about 1/2 mile to a church cemetery where the remembrance is held. The local Eagles club serves a free lunch afterwards at their hall.

We were lucky and got the parade and remembrance in between rain storms. The marching band this year was only the drum corps and a trumpet player to play taps. The organizers were too late to get on the marching band's schedule this year.

Dave Fritz
05-31-2022, 8:40 AM
I remember playing in band and marching on Memorial Day. We would play in route, then use our regular drum cadence until we entered the cemetery. Then we would keep step with light taps on the rims of the drum. It actually taught me respect for the place, process and the people. Now, our school doesn't have a band to march, budget cuts to the arts and shop class. Very sad.

Dave Anderson NH
05-31-2022, 9:11 AM
As always it was a solemn day of remembrance for me. I lost 25 friends I served with whose names are now enshrined on black granite. I wear my dogtags for them. For me it is never "Happy Memorial Day."

Bert Kemp
05-31-2022, 2:40 PM
I agree Dave its not a Happy Day. Ican't figure why people say Happy Memorial day doesn't make any sense :confused:

mike calabrese
05-31-2022, 6:43 PM
Hi Dave & Bert
Firstly Thank you for your service to America and all respect to your brothers who gave all I do think of all every day who gave all for my freedom.
I am not a vet just a couple minutes too late for Viet Nam. I know this day, every day is hard for you knowing that your brothers who fought right and left of you gave all.

Maybe...maybe I can explain the "well wishes" sincerely delivered by us who did not wear the uniform of this great country. Very few of us understand the brotherhood of the battlefield , the dedication and commitment to your brothers and America. We can only hear about your pain, your sacrifice and most of all your brothers lost.

We just don't get it .....all the news and social media and instant news can't begin to chronicle what you feel in your heart and soul.

Many years ago after visiting the moving wall I had on the wall over my desk a small inverted American Flag, (a universal sign of an American in distress), in a frame along with the names Dale R. Buis Master Sgt. Chester M. Ovnand .................Charles McMahon Darwin Lee Judge (the first and last American Heroes to give all in Viet Nam) along with with the phrase .......Lest We Forget.
It raised such an uproar my ass got dragged into human resources where I was told to take it down immediately I was told it was a disgrace.
Normandy Beach, Iwo Jima, Hamburger Hill You understand..........America means no disrespect we just simply don't understand .
Lest We Forget

Maurice Mcmurry
06-01-2022, 7:24 PM
From The Boys In The Boat p.368 (The Author's thoughts while visiting Germany in 2010 or so)

"They are almost all gone now-- The legions of young men who saved the world just before I was born. But that afternoon, standing on the balcony of Haus West, I was swept away with gratitude for their goodness and their grace, their humility and their honor, their simple civility and all of the things they taught us before they flitted across the evening water and finally vanished into the night".

Keith Outten
06-02-2022, 7:41 AM
Memorial Day is supposed to be a day of national mourning, a time to show respect. I don't patronize any business that uses Memorial Day to push their business with sales and other promotions, they are just to ignorant or greedy to understand that real people gave their lives and their families suffered protecting our freedom.

"Some Gave All"