View Full Version : When You Thought No One Was Looking

Jim Koepke
05-26-2022, 3:57 PM
DuckDuckGo may face a user backlash after security researchers discovered a hidden tracking agreement with Microsoft.

The privacy-focused company offers a search engine that claims not to track people’s searches, or behavior, and also doesn't build user profiles that can be used to display personalized advertising.

Search engine aside, DuckDuckGo also offers a mobile browser of the same name, but this has raised concerns, as although this promises to block hidden third-party trackers, some from a certain tech giant are allowed to continue operating.

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/duckduckgo-in-hot-water-over-hidden-tracking-agreement-with-microsoft/ar-AAXILR1?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=1e76337d3a3d410fb8eb17eeb5b5932a&fbclid=IwAR1Y27iL0rwfRgCMW4pj7sf_PwVcmTwQu1emtj2UQ SUbCWNCQ8EJ6L8mdPU

Myk Rian
05-26-2022, 9:57 PM
Use the Tor browser. It may not show everything, but it doesn't save, share, or store any info on your browsing.