View Full Version : Hinge Lid Boxes from Scrap

glenn bradley
05-18-2022, 8:50 PM
I ran into a finishing problem on a recent project. While I percolate on how to get out of it I used up some scrap for some boxes.


They are about 7" x 9" x 6" high. Walnut dovetailed cases, maple or red heart floating tops and bottoms, maple, leopard wood, or red heart pulls, lift out trays.

Bob Riefer
05-18-2022, 8:54 PM
Boy oh boy, I always love your work Glenn! In this case, the asymmetrical knobs really catch my eye, and how the grain carries to the lid is very nice. I especially like the one with the cherry? lid

Maurice Mcmurry
05-18-2022, 9:31 PM
Very good looking boxes, (box falls short), ... lovely artwork!

Mel Fulks
05-19-2022, 12:33 AM
Glen, Those are beautiful ! I see them as Tea Caddys, precious casks for precious tea, which in earlier days was always locked and often
kept in locked cabinet. I find the knobs a bit too whimsical for such serious stuff ! Great work.

Lee Schierer
05-19-2022, 7:47 AM
Really nice boxes. Tell us more about how the floating tops are fitted into the banding of the lids.

Jim Becker
05-19-2022, 9:03 AM
Good thing you didn't scrap that "scrap"...nice!

glenn bradley
05-19-2022, 11:08 AM
Really nice boxes. Tell us more about how the floating tops are fitted into the banding of the lids.

I use part of the profile of a raised panel bit for the top profile on the 3/4" material. The second shot shows a previous box project lid and a piece of test scrap.

479381 . 479380

I then use an FTG blade on the tablesaw to cut the joinery. First a groove to provide the overlay portion of the profile.


I then lower the blade and cut the bottom portion of that profile shorter to make the tongue that fits in the grooves on the box sides.

479382 . 479385 . 479384

I also use a bowl bit to provide a carved look under the lid leaving only 1/4" of material for the bulk of the floating panel's surface.


This reduces weight and helps things balance well when the stop hinge function engages when opening the lid. The bottoms do not get this treatment and act as a ballast.


This box is smaller than the other three due to the size of the scraps on hand. I will keep this one near the door to the shop. It will hold my Rx shop glasses, cleaning cloth, and other personal paraphernalia :).

Mike Henderson
05-19-2022, 12:36 PM
Wow looks great. That's a lot of work to do those floating tops. Congratulations on developing that technique.


Lawrence Duckworth
05-19-2022, 12:42 PM
Impressive use of scrap wood. ….corner detail, inspiring!

Lee Schierer
05-19-2022, 1:27 PM
Thanks for posting details of the lid construction, I may borrow that idea in the future.