View Full Version : need help in Houston

Kevin Jenness
05-07-2022, 11:10 AM
I am considering buying a lathe in Houston and having it shipped to VT. Normally I wouldn't buy a used machine that I can't inspect in person, but this is a nice looking solid Vicmarc recently taken from service at an attractive price, not too much that can go wrong with it and parts are available. What I need is someone who could inspect it, check for any problems and arrange to palletize or crate it and deliver it to a freight depot for shipment. The lathe is on a stand and weighs in the neighborhood of 700#. I don't believe the seller has a forklift so a rollback truck, drop trailer or similar, or several strong backs, would be needed. I'm willing to pay a reasonable fee for the service. Any suggestions?

Ronald Blue
05-07-2022, 7:36 PM
Can the seller get it on a heavy duty pallet? Or is that part of the issue in getting it? It will have to be removed from his premises as part of the deal. I know there are several creekers in that area. Fly down and get a U-Haul van? Long drive though even if that were an option. There's a Powermatic 2020B in Bedford Pa I saw for sale. Maybe someone else will have a better suggestion. Good luck.

Kevin Jenness
05-07-2022, 7:53 PM
The offer is for local pickup only. I could hire a rigger and have requested a quote from one down there, but that can be pricy. It's hard to judge whom to hire at a distance, so I am hoping someone local will suggest an alternative.

Jim Becker
05-08-2022, 11:25 AM
If the machine can be partially disassembled, that makes moving it much easier. That's how I handled moving my Stubby 750 to my temporary shop and will do so again while I have the new shop building ready for machinery. By removing everything removable (including the heavy three phase motor) things got to the point where it was manageable by a few people or with my small Kubota by myself. The machine is similar in weight to what you are interested in. I just do not remember the configuration for that Vickmark...which is a very nice machine, BTW.

Kevin Jenness
05-10-2022, 7:41 AM
I am going to pass on this but here is the listing for anyone who might be interested. https://www.ebay.com/itm/334399626425?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11051.m43.l1123&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=c55e0ad7a0384ddcbf3cfc0d17c44f7e&bu=45152565770&osub=-1%7E1&crd=20220509132940&segname=11051&sojTags=ch%3Dch%2Cbu%3Dbu%2Cosub%3Dosub%2Ccrd%3Dcr d%2Csegname%3Dsegname%2Cchnl%3Dmkcid

Ronald Blue
05-10-2022, 10:29 PM
Here you go Kevin. Considerably closer.


Kevin Jenness
05-11-2022, 7:43 AM
Here you go Kevin. Considerably closer.


Thanks, but I am looking for a large swing lathe within drivlng distance from VT. If that was an American Beauty for $3500 I would make the trip!