View Full Version : ebonizing wood with vinegar/steel wool mixture

Dan Gaylin
05-03-2022, 2:00 PM
Hi folks,

I have been making some of this mixture and I have some questions. What is the ratio of steel wool to vinegar? I found several discussions online about how to do make the stuff, but they are all vague about this. My approach has been to take a full-sized mason jar, punch a hole in the top, fill it 2/3rds with vinegar and then put in about 1.5 "pieces" of oil-free steel wool that I have shredded. The result is that after a week (the recommended wait time) while the liquid will darken wood effectively (very cool), the steel wool is not fully dissolved. In fact it is settling at the bottom. If I stir the mixture, then it becomes dark gray as the bits of iron become suspended. But if I let it settle, then the mixture is largely clear and there is still plenty of "undisolved" steel wool in jar (at the bottom). Is this just normal? Do I need to put it in a larger container and add more vinegar?

Thanks for your help,


Keegan Shields
05-03-2022, 3:04 PM
Hi Dan,

This is the best presentation I've seen on ebonizing wood. Les covers each of the 3 ways and shows what to expect.


Dan Gaylin
05-04-2022, 7:33 AM
Thanks Keegan. That is very helpful. What the video makes clear is that there are a LOT of variables and inconsistencies with this method.