View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
04-18-2022, 10:00 AM
18 Apr 2022

It's been a busy week at the day job and a fairly busy week in the shop. I'm working on a project for baseball home-plate shaped cutting boards for an award ceremony. I hope to have them completed this week and shipped out early next week. Many times, I feel like I'm making 3 steps forward while making 6 steps backwards! :)

I come off of oncall duty tomorrow morning and then I'll be a free man again by not being tied to a work computer 24x7.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
04-18-2022, 10:49 AM
I hope you have a great week, Dennis!

Made a little more progress moving "toward" my shop build. I still can't submit the permit application as I need the engineered plans and a few other things to arrive, but I should have them soon. I have the base electrical design done so I have something to submit with the permit application and am meeting with my electrician this week to figure out the direction we will take for getting adequate power to the building; either new, separate service, or by increasing the service to the house and extending just after the meter for the shop needs. For the latter, we can't do a normal sub off the main panel because said main panel is behind a whole house generator and there also isn't enough amperage available for what I want in the shop. I'd prefer to be on one account, but am prepared to have separate service if necessary and most cost effective. I'll also hopefully have a conversation with my mason friend this week about the floor piece of the project...I'd like to work with him if possible, but can get it done by the building purveyor if my guy can't do the job. I actually have to redo the whole permit "paperwork" because since I did a preliminary filling out of the forms earlier in the year, new forms were released (along with a new fee schedule... {eyeroll}) so a little repeat work is required. The new forms actually make more sense, but they are different.

I spent some time in the temporary shop this weekend getting the rust off my stationary tools that came into be over the winder due to condensation when I had to open the big door on a couple of warm, but humid days. There was also some faddling with a prototype of a battery holder for the HFT 20v tools I have (mostly lawn and garden stuff) so I can get them up off of a bench surface. I will do something via the CNC once I have things worked out to my satisfaction and concept.

This week is more of the same plus what will certainly be an "adventure" on Wednesday night when my 3 year old great nephew stays overnight so his (single) dad can do a quick business trip to Hotlanta on Thursday. It will either be fun or will require recovery with adult beverages afterward. LOL

Mike Stelts
04-18-2022, 10:58 AM
Jim - My barn and house are on separate distribution boxes, both running to the same meter. I don't remember the details, because I did this several years ago.

I've been jointing and planing poplar boards for the barn floor. The labor involved compensates for getting the boards almost free.

Jim Becker
04-18-2022, 1:26 PM
Jim - My barn and house are on separate distribution boxes, both running to the same meter. I don't remember the details, because I did this several years ago.

That is my preferred solution and is what I had at the old property...400 amp service to the house, split behind the meter to the house and the shop. The house was on the generator; the shop was direct with a disconnect at the house for safety. The electrician and I will discuss this in detail and determine if we can get PECO on board here or not for the same setup. Otherwise, it may be arial to the new building with a separate meter.

Bruce Wrenn
04-18-2022, 9:08 PM
Jim, don't forget, you can buy "used" electric meters. Put one on your shop, and never have to try to guess electric usage for business, and tax purposes. I have a well pump fed from rental property thru a meter, so I know how much to deduct from tennents rent. Well furnishes more than one residence, along with church next door.

Paul F Franklin
04-18-2022, 10:35 PM
I got the new closet doors hung in our entry hall. They are not stained and varnished yet; I didn't want to push my luck before Easter. I really like the full access bifold hardware that stacks the doors outside the opening allowing full access to the closet. It's a little more complicated to install than standard bifold hardware because the outer doors are hinged to the jambs rather than using simple top and bottom pivots, but it was worth it. And the solid core doors are so much nicer than the crap hollow core flush doors that were in there before. Now that Easter has passed, I can take them down and apply the finish.

I got in some shop time making a couple of oversized trivets out of left over backsplash tile with a cherry surround. They will serve to keep hot portable appliances safely spaced away from our quartz countertops. And per Mary's request, I also made a couple of simple cherry bars with cup hooks to hold measuring spoons and the like on the inside of a cabinet door. I did a little more design work on silverware and spice organizers; those will be next small kitchen projects.

The rest of the week was spent getting ready for Easter. We had 18 family members over, which is pretty close to our max capacity for a sit down dinner, but it was great to gather with family after the last couple years of isolation. We made a smithfield ham, and I cooked up some fresh Hungarian sausage (Hazi Kolbasz) which is a tradition for Easter in our family. Good food and good family. Didn't even mind doing all the dishes today and putting away all the "stuff"

I tend to be "deadline driven". Easter was one, next up is a "hand blessing" ceremony for some of Mary's midwifery students in a month or so. Hope to get the last hallway rehabbed before then.

Jim Becker
04-19-2022, 9:43 AM
Jim, don't forget, you can buy "used" electric meters. Put one on your shop, and never have to try to guess electric usage for business, and tax purposes. I have a well pump fed from rental property thru a meter, so I know how much to deduct from tennents rent. Well furnishes more than one residence, along with church next door.

Not easy to find here...the Utility provides the meters and they are read wirelessly and have been for many years. I guess something old could be found on that auction site, however. I no longer have a business (shut it down legally at the end of 2020), so the actual usage by the shop isn't material other than, perhaps, curiosity. If I did still have the business, I'd do separate service for sure. As it turns out, if I do have to do separate service for the building to get what I need amperage wise, the power company considers it commercial even though it's not "commercial" in use. Wew are unfortunately at the mercy of PECO and their policies.

Rod Sheridan
04-21-2022, 6:12 AM
Nothing exciting this week, I’m out of town for a week of battery maintenance…..Oh joy……..Regards, Rod