View Full Version : Fine Woodworking digital edition

Bruce Mack
04-05-2022, 2:32 PM
This magazine was my most prized subscription for many years beginning in 1989. I got pleasure pulling a random issue from the shelf and flipping through it. Eventually the cumulative mass was overwhelming and I tossed most issues though continuing to subscribe occasionally. Today I checked the price for a digital edition and found it to be a reasonable $35 annually for a current print subscriber, with a renewal rate of $60. I have paid more for a mediocre meal for two or a must-have (later unused) woodworking tool. I went for it and I'm happy. There is an issue by issue index, easy perusal of individual issues, and a good search function that allowed me to find a remembered article on coopering a door from 1997. This may become a substitution for nighttime Netflix and Britbox.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-05-2022, 3:03 PM
Bruce, I have had the digital subscription since it's conception. I truly like and the advantages it provides.

Derek Cohen
04-05-2022, 7:58 PM
Bruce, my wife prohibits my reading magazines in bed - the noise of pages turning, etc. The digital editions of FWW and Woodworking are safe in my iPad, and as well journey with me on air flights.

Regards from Perth


Michael Schuch
04-06-2022, 5:51 AM
I used to love reading paper magazines. Then they all went to that small print to save paper and ruined the experience for me. I will have to take a look at the digital fine woodworking.

Curt Harms
04-07-2022, 7:59 AM
I used to love reading paper magazines. Then they all went to that small print to save paper and ruined the experience for me. I will have to take a look at the digital fine woodworking.

You too, huh? I had to get 1400 lumen PAR30 Cree LED lamps in the bed light bridge to be able to read the 'new and improved' magazines. I don't really care for reading 'magazines' on a laptop but perhaps a tablet would be acceptable.

Osvaldo Cristo
04-08-2022, 5:08 AM
I also had a digital subscription for some time, much more affordable if you live abroad. You can call me old fashioned, but for me, the reading experience for digital media is very different than the printed one. For this kind of contents, print matters for me.

Anyway I sincerely envy you guys that stay so long years with a title and enjoying it. I cannot. After some years, for me, they turn very repetitive and most of them also decrease the contents amount. Of course, it is not only for WW.

mike calabrese
04-08-2022, 6:47 AM
Recently returning to woodworking after a long spell I just re-subscribed to FWW.
Paper copy for me I like the feel and neandertal access. For many years, some 40 years ago, I subscribed and back then the magazine was in it's infancy and you could buy the back issues that went back to the very first issue Winter 1975.
I did and I have safely collected away in excellent condition several years starting with that first issue that I back bought in 1976.
mike calabrese
https://d4c5gb8slvq7w.cloudfront.net/eyJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjM2MH19LCJidW NrZXQiOiJmaW5ld29vZHdvcmtpbmcuczMudGF1bnRvbmNsb3Vk LmNvbSIsImtleSI6ImFwcFwvdXBsb2Fkc1wvMTk3OFwvMDRcLz A1MDQ1NzI4XC93MDAxY292LmpwZyJ9