View Full Version : Help identifying an etch on a crosscut saw.

David Zor
04-04-2022, 10:36 PM
First off, if I’m out of my element and this saw is not appropriate in this forum, let me know.

Anyhow, while picking up an old Baldor grinder from a guy cleaning out his dad’s house I made the mistake of asking if there were any woodworking tools he wanted to get rid of with the grinder. Well that wound up in four flats piled high with chisels (an inappropriate number of chisels), a Witherby drawknife and this crosscut saw. His dad was a smokejumper at one time and he said he wanted me to have the saw if I tuned it up and put it to use. Well I happen to have a volunteer trail maintenance trip planned in the Bob Marshall this summer and I convinced a local filing guru to make time in his schedule to make it sing again. The tote was broken and the bottom piece is missing, but I have some walnut that I’m going try to fashion a new one from. The plate is now clean and there’s a bit of etch still visible. Just to satisfy curiosity, can anyone help identify it? I think I can make out “clean cut” inside the circle.


steven c newman
04-04-2022, 11:00 PM
Might say Clear Cut..instead? MIGHT be made by either Simonds, or Atkins....

mike stenson
04-04-2022, 11:09 PM
Worst case, these types of saws are still made, and used. You can buy both handles generally.

It's a perforated lance tooth cut, that's for sure. DCH maybe?

Jim Koepke
04-05-2022, 2:05 AM
Hi David, this won't help with the identity of your saw but it may help to understand it.

USDA Forest Service Crosscut Saw Manual > https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/recreational_trails/publications/fs_publications/pdf/pdf77712508lo.pdf


David Zor
04-05-2022, 11:35 AM
That USFS manual is certainly the bible. Especially for filing, but I lack the experience to do it well. It’s especially convenient that the most experienced saw filer I know of, maybe one of the best living, coincidentally lives a mile down the road from me.

I was thinking maybe Atkins as well, but I can’t find anything linking that etch to Atkins. I also have a Simmonds Royal Chinook two man that’s getting short in the gullets and I was thinking it may be a secondary brand of Simmonds.

mike stenson
04-05-2022, 11:50 AM
The more I look at it, the more it looks like DCH company. In fact, you can see it in the logo shown.

David Zor
04-05-2022, 12:08 PM
Thanks Mike! I think you’re right.

Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden was apparently a San Francisco based hardware firm. I’ve never heard of them until now. I wonder who made their saws.

Jim Koepke
04-05-2022, 3:11 PM
Thanks Mike! I think you’re right.

Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden was apparently a San Francisco based hardware firm. I’ve never heard of them until now. I wonder who made their saws.

I remember them from long ago. We had one of their catalogs. My mom called them Dirty, Crummy & Hungry.
