View Full Version : TSO GRs-16PE compared to Festool 205229 right angle stop

Bill Szydlo
04-02-2022, 6:54 PM
I am considering purchasing the TSO GRS-16PE to use with Makita guide rails. I came across the Festool 205229 right angle stop on Amazon and it appears to be identical. It even has TSO stamped on the locking lever. The difference is the Festool model is $50 cheaper.

Does anyone have any experience with the Festool model? I assume if it works on Festool tracks it will work on Makita.

Just curious if anyone has considered these two and went with the Festool?


Matt Day
04-02-2022, 8:08 PM
Same thing. Get the Festool one.

ChrisA Edwards
04-02-2022, 9:40 PM
I have the TSO version, had it for about 4 years.

They look identical, other than the color.

I do like the tool and use it a lot with my Festool tracks.

Greg Quenneville
04-02-2022, 10:48 PM
I have the Festool version too, and use it on both Makita and Festool tracks