View Full Version : How badly did I mis-price this?

David Bolson
03-30-2022, 11:56 AM
I posted this drill press (https://newjersey.craigslist.org/tls/d/morristown-delta-drill-press/7464354778.html) yesterday on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist and my phone hasn't stopped buzzing with offers to buy. I probably have 15 requests in less than 24 hours - I try to be polite and tell each one that I'll let them know if it's still available (someone is coming by tonight), but it's getting burdensome. So what should I have actually asked for?


Ron Selzer
03-30-2022, 12:06 PM
I posted this drill press (https://newjersey.craigslist.org/tls/d/morristown-delta-drill-press/7464354778.html) yesterday on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist and my phone hasn't stopped buzzing with offers to buy. I probably have 15 requests in less than 24 hours - I try to be polite and tell each one that I'll let them know if it's still available (someone is coming by tonight), but it's getting burdensome. So what should I have actually asked for?


I feel you are being very fair
However with the current market you probably could have doubled the price asked and then settled for 150-175
Hopefully it goes to someone who will use it and not to someone for resale

Patrick Varley
03-30-2022, 12:07 PM
I posted this drill press (https://newjersey.craigslist.org/tls/d/morristown-delta-drill-press/7464354778.html) yesterday on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist and my phone hasn't stopped buzzing with offers to buy. I probably have 15 requests in less than 24 hours - I try to be polite and tell each one that I'll let them know if it's still available (someone is coming by tonight), but it's getting burdensome. So what should I have actually asked for?


In the current climate, that's a great deal. The HF or Northern Tool house brands would be at least twice that. I bet you could have gotten at least $150 for it, and given it's condition that still would have been pretty fair I think.

David Buchhauser
03-30-2022, 3:55 PM
I would say $200 minimum. Super clean and a name brand.

Albert Lee
03-30-2022, 5:56 PM
I sold both of my bandsaws within 24 hours of listing them on the market. think I let them go too cheap...

lou Brava
03-31-2022, 9:01 AM
Just a tip to the OP never post your telephone number on a CL ad. And why worry about what you could have got ? You set your price, sold it for your price in less than a day, item's gone perfect sale IMO.

Billy Stray
03-31-2022, 6:27 PM
I just sold a Delta 3hp shaper in excellent shape for $1,250 , it also went quick
I had the same feeling..

Rich Engelhardt
04-01-2022, 5:40 AM
There's three different levels of price:
- I no longer have a need/use for it - price will reflect whatever is needed to get rid of the item, with no concern about what it "should" fetch. It's gone. Period. You no longer have to move it from one spot to another.

- I'll dangle this in front of people to see if there's any interest. I still have an occasional use/need for it. If I ever put in a new pole barn, I'd rather own this than have to rent one. If somebody makes me an offer I can live with, I'll sell it and rent what I need in the future.

- My wife says it goes. Forget the huge price tag I listed. If you talk to me - it's $100k. If you talk to my wife - it's $100. Somewhere along the line, I'll give in to my wife and sell it....just don't expect any help loading it up in your vehicle..

Don Penniman
04-01-2022, 9:56 AM
My experience with Craigslist and FaceBook Marketplace is that it doesn't matter what I'm selling or how low or high the price is, my phone goes crazy. Messages and calls come in much faster than I can respond. I sold some family bicycles last year and I thought the would-be buyers were going to have fistfights over them.

I agree - don't post your phone number on a Craigslist ad. You will be inundated with text messages from scammers.

David Bolson
04-01-2022, 4:04 PM
Here’s the thing. The reason I sold this drill press is because the day before I found this drill press on Facebook Marketplace, in great shape, for $75.

So, even though I could have made more, I figure I made $15 on a pretty good trade. Maybe a semi-gloat?
