View Full Version : Blinded by the paint , help !

Rich Sopel
01-19-2006, 12:42 AM
:eek: I am currently spraying the walls in my shop with a pearl white latex paint . The second coat is impossible to see while spraying, I have tried additional lighting from the top, back, side , and still feel like I am spraying with invisible paint . The only time I can see what kind of a job I did is when I stand way back from the wall and view it from an angle .
Any ideas how I can see the paint going on while I spray ? :confused:

Joe Pelonio
01-19-2006, 8:18 AM
Try polarized lense sunglasses.

Anthony Anderson
01-19-2006, 9:59 AM
Rich, Spray the wall with a 50% overlap. Keep a roller handy that is already loaded. After you spray using the 50% overlap, roll the area. Since spraying puts the paint on very fast, I would spray half a wall and then roll, then do the next half. I am assuming that you are using an airless sprayer where you put the tube in a 5 gallon bucket of paint, not a quart sized paint spray gun. HTH, Bill

BTW, why did you decide to go with a pearl? Why not just a plain old semi-gloss white? Just curious.

Rich Sopel
01-19-2006, 11:05 AM
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I was thinking about the sun glasses for sure. I am using the Benny Moore pearl paint just because it isn't quite as glossy as the semi gloss paint, yet more scrub-able then eggshell. This is the first time I tried the stuff so far it seems nice. The spray set up is actually a HVLP and I am back rolling as well, though I don't like to, kinda seems silly to do a nice spray job then roll it.(except where I miss :rolleyes: )
I never thought it would be so hard to see the wall, the first coat went great because I could see the colour change, but now, I can really appreciate what snow blindness must be like.:eek:

Jason Roehl
01-19-2006, 6:39 PM
Times like that, I actually prefer less light. Or, very low-angle light works well, too--set a cheap halogen on the floor next to the wall pointing down the wall. But, I'll take a little natural light over a lot of artificial any day.

HVLP'ing latex on a wall? Yikes...that must be mind-numbingly slow. You haven't painted until you've sprayed on about 60 gallons in a day. :D It's like having white mascara for the arm hairs, put on by Tammy Faye Baker... :eek:

Rich Sopel
01-19-2006, 8:50 PM
Jason , you were right ! Tried that today put the light about 5 inches from the wall and about 6 ft down the wall ,what a difference :o !
I can't imagine spraying 50 gals of paint in a day. my arm is ready to drop off after six hours . I have a Accuspray 19 series gun that has a 6" fan so it's not outrageously tedious, but a commercial airless would be nice that's for sure . I would have to rent one, but figured I would use the funds for shop stuff instead .:)

Thanks again everyone ..

Jason Roehl
01-20-2006, 8:06 AM
Oh, your arm falls off after 30 gallons...that's why you have two. I'm glad the light trick worked for you. It's what I do for a living most of the time. :D