View Full Version : Cherry Aquarium Stand

Jim McCue
03-20-2022, 11:21 PM
Recently finished aquarium stand for 55 gallon tank. The actual structure of the stand is pine 2x4s, the frame is just for appearance. Before picture showing 2x4s and after picture showing completed stand.

The Frame is 4/4 cherry. The panels are 1/4 cherry plywood special ordered (and cut) from home depot. This was my first project using cherry.

I've been trying to do more handtools and traditional joinery lately but in this case went with electric drill and pocket screws. The grooves for panels were made with plow plane. First time using euro hinges. Handles are ikea eneryda.

Finish one coat of BLO, one coat of shellac, three coats polycrylic.

The most stressful part wasn't woodworking, it was draining most of the water and moving the aquarium out from the wall a bit.


Bruce Page
03-20-2022, 11:33 PM
Beautiful work Jim, the cherry will age nicely. I made a stand for my 110gal years ago. It was a fun project. I have only moved it once - when we removed the carpet and installed tile. That was NOT a fun project!

Phil Mueller
03-21-2022, 8:44 AM
Great looking stand, Jim. Nice work. Good looking aquarium as well.

Maurice Mcmurry
03-21-2022, 6:44 PM
Like! Nice.