View Full Version : Trotec JobControl use on another machine?

David Calabro
03-20-2022, 9:49 AM

I have 2 Trotec machines. One Speedy 300 on JobControl 9 and a Speedy 360 on JobControl 10/X.

The Speedy 360 had a fire cutting acrylic and is totally destroyed.

I was wondering if I could use the JobControl 10 that came with it on my Speedy 300?
I tried to install JobControl 10 on the PC for the Speedy 300 and there was a message that in order to use JobControl 10, I had to perform a firmware update, but the process is irreversible.
I didnt want to risk the firmware upgrade and then the JobControl 10 wont work because it came with the Speedy 360.

Does anyone know if the software shipped with one machine can work with another?

It would be a shame to waste the JobControl 10 software if there was some way it could be used with another machine.

Hoping someone has some experience with this situation and can give some advice.

Thank you.

Chase Williams
03-20-2022, 10:35 AM
Hi David,

There is a solution for this, shoot me a PM and ill try to help out.

However, I would highly recommend Trotec Ruby, it will cost you $300 (i think thats their pricing) and I believe that comes with JC 10/11 and Ruby. While you can "trick" Job Control, you can't trick Ruby. I think Ruby is personally worth its weight in gold.

What are you doing with your Trotec 360? Can you send some pictures, I might be interested in it.

Also see (https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?293491-Trotec-Firmware-Downgrade-SOLVED&highlight=), even though it says its irreversible, you should be able to go back. However you run a risk of damaging your Speedy 300 if you run it under your Speedy 360 settings, as the tickle power and various other settings probably will not be the same. This is where that INI file is very important. I would still argue that the $300 for Ruby is worth it vs JC9.

Mike Null
03-21-2022, 12:08 PM
Welcome to SMC. I don't see any reason you can't use the latest software and firmware with your 300. Call tech support to lend a hand.

David Calabro
03-29-2022, 8:03 AM
Hi Chase,

Thanks for the reply!

I will ask Trotec about Ruby. Thanks for the advice.

I have stripped down the 360 for parts and kept the laser. Its a 60W and my Speedy 300 is 30W, so maybe one day I might use it to upgrade the Speedy 300 if its not difficult.
Has anyone upgraded from a 30W Synrad to a 60W iRadeon? Is it hard to do?

About the JobControl, I understand what you mean about the INI file. The original install has INI files based on serial number I have noticed.
If I copy the INI file for the Speedy 300 from the JobControl 9.4 install to the JobControl v10 install, would it pickup the machine settings? Or are the INI files different between JobControl versions?


Chase Williams
03-31-2022, 11:15 PM
The INI is separate than the software, theoretically swapping INI data should work, however I might have tried that in the past and the software didn’t catch the proper settings. I guess my point, I’d make sure you check your settings under the admin selection.

I am not sure if a iradion can be used in the place of a synrad. I have a synrad unit on mine and I have a coherent on another and they are completely different connectors, short of that the power supply would probably be an issue, I can’t remember the threshold of wattage but I know the 30w has 2 power supplies and the higher wattage units have 3. I know there is a difference in the voltage settings on the power supplies. I would think that might be a bad idea to switch lasers but am tuned in if anyone comes up with a solution.