View Full Version : Helped a neighbor

Lee Schierer
03-17-2022, 8:04 AM
About 2 weeks ago a neighbor stopped by the house and asked if I could give him some help with his old Grizzly T21005 band saw. He hadn't used it in quite a while, but when he tensioned the blade and started it up, the blade and the tires came off the wheels. He had put the tires back on several times and had played with the tension to no avail. I told him that the older band saws had rubber tires and the tires would get old after some time and either loose their grip or crack and fail. I got on the computer and looked up grizzly band saw tires and they listed one set for a 14" band saw that included his model number. I gave him the information so his daughter could order new tires for him. I also told him I would help him get them on as it takes at least 3 hands to do it.

Yesterday he stopped by and said the new tires had arrived. I went to his house and he had a large pan filled with hot water ready. I removed the table and we decided to try putting them on without removing the wheels. We did the upper wheel first and it took three attempts, but we got the tire on. We then went to the bottom wheel, which had a few more obstacles, but it went on on the first attempt. As we were putting the saw back together I noticed that the upper wheel had some lateral movement on the axle. I tried to tighten the nut, but the shaft just turned in the tilt casting. There was no way to grip the shaft to tighten or loosen the nut. We tried to remove the hinge pin for the tilt adjust, but it didn't want to come out and we didn't want to break the aluminum casting. He had a small ball peen hammer on the work bench so I tapped on the nut a few times and pushed the shaft back into the casting. This action pushed the shaft back into place and the free play was gone. I would have liked to have pulled the pin out and used some Loctite 680 to permanently lock the shaft in place, but we didn't have any and he wanted to get on with his doll crib project for his granddaughters. He will keep an eye on the upper shaft and if it starts to get loose again he will let me know and we will attempt a more permanent fix.

Mike Kees
03-17-2022, 10:43 AM
Lee thanks for being a good neighbor. It seems there are less and less people willing to help others out in their time of need.

Bernie Kopfer
03-17-2022, 11:18 AM
The side benefit of freely giving is that we receive a “blessing” which can come in a myriad of different forms. Acts 20:35

Lisa Starr
03-17-2022, 11:20 AM
Thank you! Helping one another is what we need to do more of.

Bruce Wrenn
03-17-2022, 8:35 PM
Good on you! I would expect no less from anyone here at SMC. One large family, living in different locations

Ken Fitzgerald
03-18-2022, 12:22 AM
As Bruce said, "Good on you!" as a human being and a Creeker!

Jim Davenport
03-18-2022, 12:52 AM
A note on installing new tires.
Zip tires replaces the "third" hand. Just use the zip ties as you work the tire around the wheel.
I just replaced the tires on my neighbors 14" Ridgid. It was the easiest I've ever been able to do it.