View Full Version : Old Unisaw table bolt size?

Scott Colba
03-07-2022, 1:07 PM
Hey guys,

I am getting my woodshop back together after storing things away for a few years. I have an old Delta Unisaw that I had taken the table off of for storage. As I went to put it back on this weekend I realized that (like a moron) I didn't put the bolts back in the holes on the bottom side of the table. So we can assume they are gone forever.

So I was hoping somebody might know, what is the bolt size/thread count for the bolts that connect the cabinet to the table top?

Thanks for any help!

Andrew Seemann
03-07-2022, 1:38 PM
It seems to me they are 7/16 fine thread with a 5/8 head on my 1986 Unisaw. They were the same on my '68.

Bill Dufour
03-07-2022, 1:49 PM
I seem to remember they are fine thread. The bolts holding the fence on are fine thread for sure. Fine threads tend to be more self locking and we all know lock washers do nothing useful.
Bill D.

Scott Colba
03-07-2022, 2:06 PM
Awesome, thank you! I will get a handful of those and give it a shot! BTW, this one is closer to your 68...i think it might even be exactly a 68 if i remember correctly.

Edit: had to look it up to satisfy my curiosity now...lol. It's actually a '66.

Matt Day
03-07-2022, 2:27 PM
I have two from the ‘50’s. Great saws. The bolts have been the same from 1939 until they changed the design whenever it was in the 2000’s.

Scott Colba
03-12-2022, 6:50 PM
Perfect fit, thanks guys!

Flowup question...should I also use a flat washer? Or just the bolt on its own? I got 3/4" ones so shouldnt have to worry about it bottoming out...