View Full Version : Knotty Alder - Discoloration around epoxied knots

Brian Bell
03-05-2022, 6:42 PM
Ever seen this happen?

This is a knotty-alder kitchen table top about two years old. We filled the knots with West System epoxy (105/207) tinted black. I don't recall what we used for tinting. I also don't recall exactly how we finished it, but it was likely a shellac base coat followed by some type of toner and then GF Arm-R-Seal for the topcoat. I had a terrible time with the finishing process (first time trying to finish KA) and have never been happy with it.

Several months ago I started noticing these discolored areas around the filled knots. They keep spreading.

What causes this? My two leading theories are (1) Finish failure on top of the knots that has allowed water/oil/etc. to get into the wood and spread, and (2) Something in the epoxy never fully cured and is spreading through the wood.


Maurice Mcmurry
03-05-2022, 7:18 PM
I am not sure if I am seeing what you describe. It looks like the epoxy or epoxy dust was spread around while sanding and created a grain filling or staining effect.

Looking again with better glasses. looks like you ground black epoxy into the wood around the knot.