View Full Version : Saw til underway

Richard Hutchings
02-22-2022, 9:24 AM
I decided I have enough saws to warrant this and so here we go. This maple is from and old desk found in a dumpster. I got a lot of usable wood out of it.

I Started out laying out the tails for a wider bottom board than I had which is why they look a little funny. I decided to reshape the lower portion to meet the board I had. Plus, I didn't use any layout tool other than my eyes and a square.

I'm just winging this so it won't be exactly like anyone else's but I am following some tried and true practices, I think.

Richard Hutchings
02-24-2022, 1:11 PM
I haven't been able to spend anymore time on this. I hate when that happens, I'm so excited about building it. This why I'm taking a break from building instruments. It takes me years to do what others do in months. Building shop stuff is a great way for me to get something done. I got my saw vise done in a reasonable amount of time and I hope to have the saw til finished in a week or 2. That's not bad for me.

Joe A Faulkner
02-24-2022, 7:56 PM
Looking forward to seeing this project progress. Good for you for salvaging perfectly good lumber from the dumpster.

Stew Denton
02-24-2022, 8:14 PM
Hi Richard,

+1 on both comments from Joe above.

I am now finally retired, but am currently working on remodeling the house my wife and I bought, so no time for woodworking. Thus, any woodworking is going to be extremely slow for me if I can do any of it at all. Thus, I am with you on the time issue.

Currently, the only thing I have time to do that is sort of related to woodworking, is to salvage a little lumber from the old cabinets, etc., that we are tearing out.

However, for years while still employed, it took a long time for me to finish any projects due to the limited time available, and because of having no shop or other good place to work. So, from my perspective, if you can get the till built in a couple of weeks, that is good progress I think. You will have done well to get it done that quickly.

Just don't put pressure on yourself and get discouraged if it goes slower. Enjoy the process instead, even if it takes longer than you expect!


Richard Hutchings
02-25-2022, 4:45 AM
Speaking of salvaged lumber. I just got 10 white oak treads from a spiral staircase, like new. I never find any walnut and would like some on hand. I may have to go to the lumberyard and buy some. Ugh

Phil Mueller
02-25-2022, 7:35 AM
Richard, look forward to seeing the till. One piece of advice; if you have an itch for saws, plan in a few extra slots. They can multiply fast!

Richard Hutchings
02-25-2022, 8:52 AM
I think I want more saws for sure. A decent crosscut carcass is my plan. Not sure if I'll get a another Veritas or wait for an antique brass back, cleaned and sharpened. I hate cleaning old tools.

My til has shrunk in width by 1 1/2" from not paying enough attention to direction of fit. I think I have it now. I feel like I'm back in 7th grade woodshop again doing a repeat performance of a box I built that kept shrinking for the same reason. Oh well that was 56 years ago that I built a dovetail anything.

Richard Hutchings
02-26-2022, 9:27 AM
Made a little headway this morning. My second set came out loose off the saw. I'll just glue a shim and refit it.

I spent a lot of time on sharpening my Craftsman jointer to shoot the ends of the next board. There was some blood involved. 🤧 I can't find my gold compound anywhere. Did thebedt I could with the residual compound, I'm just going to order more. Green or gold?

The shooting went well but I would like to spend more time shining the back. I never felt a burr no matter how much I honed on my diamonds. Must have been one because the thing took end grain shavings like a champ.

I need to make a smaller shooting board as well. I don't know what I was thinking when I built this monstrous thing.

The projects keep building up and nothing come out of the shop. No stress.

Richard Hutchings
02-27-2022, 1:36 PM
Learned a little about setting up a plane for shooting this morning. After finally cleaning and oiling my Carftsman #7 I decided to play with the frog, closed mouth setting. Nothing but chatter. I moved it back all the way so the blade had full backing and the chatter went away
Lesson learned. I still found hard maple to be a bear to shoot. Minute shavings at best. I think I'm still missing something. Probably has something to do with me loosing my gold compound. Maybe something else. Oh yeah, this pic is a before. I changed my shooting board to left handed as it should be for me.

Richard Hutchings
03-01-2022, 9:06 PM
Doesn't look like I'll be needing a shooting plane. A little alcohol made all the difference.


Robyn Hawkins
03-02-2022, 5:05 PM
Richard, I hope you don’t mind my “newbie” questions on your thread, but what is the “gold” that you mention? You said “green or gold” in one post which I assumed to be green compound but I don’t know about the “gold”. As I am just gathering the things I need for my first project, a stool or small bench that is part of Bob Rozaieski’s entry type course on Hand Saw Foundations and Hand Plane Foundations courses. His whole school is called Foundations of Traditional Woodworking. I am not putting this information here to promote his courses, just to let you and any others who are interested in taking a look. I have to trust that what he is saying is correct…. Anyway, if you would let me know about the “gold”! Thanks Robyn

Richard Hutchings
03-02-2022, 6:07 PM

Richard Hutchings
03-03-2022, 4:15 PM
See what happens when it takes me too long to finish something. I need to make a cleated wall anyway.

steven c newman
03-03-2022, 5:23 PM
And, with the door shut
Holds 17 inside, plus that frame saw on the outside

A "quick & dirty way" would be buy a cabinet for a Kitchen...and build a rack inside...Then hang it on a french cleat.....

Richard Hutchings
03-04-2022, 5:36 AM
Why do they need to be in a closed cabinet? I'm trying to avoid cabinets and drawers

Scott Clausen
03-04-2022, 5:51 AM
Why do they need to be in a closed cabinet? I'm trying to avoid cabinets and drawers
To keep dust out and inhibit rust a bit but I would probably leave the door open anyway. My till is open and has a drawer for saw files and other small parts. My shop is all French cleats so I can move it at will.

Richard Hutchings
03-04-2022, 6:45 AM
I keep my basement at 45% RH all year long so rust isn't an issue for me.

steven c newman
03-04-2022, 9:05 AM
That til only hold HALF of my saws, BTW.....

Richard Hutchings
03-04-2022, 9:20 AM
Doing my best to not become a collector. Just the ones I think I need. This plan will be more than enough. I need to add a good crosscut back saw, that's all I'm missing right now without going Japanese.

steven c newman
03-04-2022, 9:26 AM
Keep on the look out for..
Geo. Bishop No. 10

Crosscut AND Rip. You can adjust that bar like a depth stop.....as the blade can slide up or down as needed. I think Disston made a copy of this sort of saw, too....

Richard Hutchings
03-04-2022, 9:35 AM
I saw that one on ebay for 80 bucks. I have a nice Veritas carcass rip so I only need a crosscut. Preferably at a lower cost.