View Full Version : Veritas Mk II Power Sharpening System Question

Chuck Taylor3US
02-19-2022, 2:22 AM
A question for owners of Veritas MkII Power Sharpening System: I just bought one used and discovered the capacitor on the motor burst. However also noticed that the bearing for the platter is stiffer than what I expected. It will turn, but with resistance. With the belt off so the platter is not connected to the motor, if I give the platter a hard spin, it will go 1/2 to 2/3 revolution before stopping. Again, this is with the drive belt removed.
Is this normal?
I can replace the capacitor, but want to know if the bearing is also shot. It looks like it is pressed in place and that is beyond me. I need to figure this out while the return window is still open.

Philip Glover
02-19-2022, 3:10 PM
Mine spins freely without the belt.
You will probably need to replace a bearing.


Chuck Taylor3US
02-21-2022, 12:29 AM
Thanks. Seemed way too stiff and that confirms it.
