View Full Version : Actual Robt Sorby trademark?

Scott Brodersen
02-11-2022, 5:35 PM
I bought this firmer chisel as part of a lot at an online auction last summer (or maybe a garage/boot/yard sale? I can't remember exactly) and it's stamped Robt Sorby with the Kangaroo icon, but the font is sans-serif and all the images of them I find online use serif font. Does anybody recognize this as a legitimate Sorby trademark?


Or maybe somebody tried to pass this off as a Sorby product?

John C Cox
02-12-2022, 9:06 PM
So, I can't see the pic, but I've seen quite a few different Robt Sorby touchmarks. Their website has a history that lists many of them.

That said, I've been seeing touchmarks on internet auction sales that just don't look right. Wouldn't surprise me to find out somebody has bought a repro touch mark and is humping unmarked chisels to take advantage of high prices people are paying for the brand names. They've been doing it on guns and knives for a while now.

I've also seen "bevel edge" chisels that look like recently reground firmers. I know that's how they did it back in the day... Within the same era, the steel and heat treatment was the same, so if it was done correctly, the modification shouldn't affect the performance of the chisel... But still, they don't look right. I'm more worried about them messing up the heat treatment humping them so they can sell them for double the price.

I think it's worth remembering Caveat emptor. Do your research before buying.

Scott Brodersen
02-13-2022, 7:17 PM
It's funny you mention the reground firmers -- I've picked up a couple of those too along the way. And not executed at all well! Thankfully I didn't buy the 'sorby' chisel for the branding, I only noticed it after the fact and I wouldn't have paid much for it since I'm kind of a low-risk buyer when it comes to used items. Anyhow, I appreciate that you related your experience on the subject.

I do enjoy researching the history of old tools when I buy them, but it's entirely secondary to the main goal which is getting usable tools. When I searched on the Sorby trademarks I quickly realized there was something fishy about it which in itself makes it a bit interesting.

John C Cox
02-13-2022, 10:32 PM
Like you said, for me, it's a red flag, especially at current prices... Sadly, it may have been a perfectly good user chisel that somebody messed up. My worry is that they may have had to draw the temper to hammer in that touch mark... Hopefully just on that spot, but doing it right doesn't often go hand in hand with fraudsters.. Same for adding side bevels - hopefully, they were wet ground, but you just don't know.

Tom Bender
02-15-2022, 7:56 AM
From the picture it looks like the leather washer rotted away in place and the handle has not been removed. If that's so the stamp must have been made before it was assembled. I'd hazard that the stamp is original.


Edward Weber
02-15-2022, 10:41 AM
Email the photo to RS and see what they say.

Unfortunately this is one of the few manufacturers where we have that option. All of the vintage chisels I have are from companies that have been lost to history for many decades.

Robert Flowers
02-15-2022, 12:26 PM
The origins and history of Robert Sorby and Sons Limited, by HAND TOOL PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA INC
In the case of Robert Sorby and Sons the factory was known as Kangaroo Works. The kangaroo itself was one of a number of registered trade marks used extensively until the1980’s. The presence of Robert Sorby in the Antipodes is further reflected by medals and diplomas of distinction awarded in both New Zealand and Australia as well as in London, Edinburgh and Calcutta.


Scott Brodersen
02-16-2022, 8:24 PM
Tom, I'll post a pic of the entire chisel tomorrow. I'm not sure the handle is original.

I've seen that booklet, thanks for posting it though. I'll email them directly, I didn't realize they were still around!