View Full Version : Two Saw Mill Creek members visited my shop today

Frank Pellow
01-17-2006, 6:14 PM
Rick Thom, Chris Curry, and I had a great visit in my shop today. :) Chris is from Niagara Falls which is about a two hour drive away and Rick lives a bit east of Toronto but he tells me that he only drove for 15 minutes. We had hot sandwiches from a neighbourhood Italian bakery and served on a section of plywood perched on 2 systainers. Then we demonstrated and talked and talked and demonstrated and talked and talked for about four hours. The time just flew by. Of particular interest to both Chris and Rick were my tools from Festool and my Kreg Pocket Hole jig.

They just left about and hour ago in freezing rain :( , so I hope that their trips home are uneventful.

In the attached picture, we have Rick, to the left, me in the middle, and Chris to the right.


Jim O'Dell
01-17-2006, 7:26 PM
Glad you had a good time!! I've had one creeker visit, and it was very nice and informational. Jim.

Richard Wolf
01-17-2006, 7:47 PM
It's great to get together in the shop. I'm sure you all had fun.


lou sansone
01-17-2006, 8:41 PM
hmmm mid week visit.. someday I will have mid week visits
glad you all had a good time together

Rick Thom
01-17-2006, 8:45 PM
I did indeed enjoy my visit to Frank's shop and the hospitality shown to us by he and his wife. The shop is well planned, efficient and comfortable. Gave me lots of food for thought as to how I could improve my own set-up. I wasn't familiar with the Festool products beyond seeing the occaisional ad in mags. Frank showed us some of the many 'integrated tools' they produce to create what might be considered as woodworking systems ie lots of precision jigs and sliding tables to support their saws and routers, increasing functionality etc.
Great sandwiches too Frank LOL...
Thanks, Rick.

Karl Laustrup
01-17-2006, 8:46 PM
Good looking group of "Canadian Creekers" Frank. That is if Chris is from your side of the falls.

It is alway good to get together with "Creekers". There is so much to learn from each other. :)


Jim Becker
01-17-2006, 9:31 PM
Looks like a great time, Frank. Here's a few new avitars for you and the boys!

Chris Curry
01-18-2006, 1:13 AM
I too had a great time this afternoon with the fellas! My two hour drive home only took 4 and a half today with a stop for gas in Hamilton. The freezing rain wasn't very nice. At one point I think we got up over 25 mph. :eek: It was worth it though. The hospitality was warm, the shop was cozy and the experience was stimulating. I am only now gettting to post as I have completly read Frank's CD since coming home - OK I did get a bit of a head start while travelling. The weather/road conditions did imporve some once I got down below Lake Ontario - I mean south of, as opposed to underwater.
I was amazed and delighted :p at how bright Frank's shop was. It is very well organized, as is Frank. I have decided that I must have a wood stove in my shop too. The baffles in the wall of the DC closet give good ventilation and sufficiently muffle machine noise. Those Talon peg board hooks are the greatest thing since sliced bread!
Thanks again for the hospiatilty. You treated Rick and I like old friends. I kook forward to more opportunity in the future. Next time it is my treat at Frankies Tomato.

Karl - Ya, I'm from the side of the Falls with the view. I do go across... to get to HF.

Jim - Thanks for the avitar, but who wants to see my mug on this site?!

Jim Becker
01-18-2006, 10:59 AM
Jim - Thanks for the avitar, but who wants to see my mug on this site?!

Everyone. It's a community thing... ;)

Frank Pellow
01-18-2006, 11:21 AM
Everyone. It's a community thing... ;)
I agree with Jim. When I see someone's picture, I somehow feel that they become more like real people to me.

Only last week, I was approached by a fellow Saw Mill Creek member, who recognized me because of the picture in my avitar. We had a great conversation and provided tips to each other.

Frank Pellow
01-18-2006, 11:27 AM
Rick and Chris thanks for you kind words and I hope to see you both again soon.

I had so much fun, that I am now thinking about hosting some sort of Southern Ontario Saw Mill Creek members BBQ at my place next spring. What do you think of the idea. And, if there are any other members who read this who might attend such an afair, please let me know.

Rick Thom
01-18-2006, 1:04 PM
Frank, I think the notion of a get-together is a good one and I'll have some suggestions for you.
Now, on to something really important. With all this talk about 'avitars' (new word for me, and my Concise Oxford too), how do you rate 2 persons in yours, and who would that person be, a new assistant perhaps?

Chris Curry
01-18-2006, 2:09 PM
Frank - count me in! I just hope you pick a day with better weather than yesterday. Is that grandson Ethan with you in the new avitar?
And on a personal note -- While I was gone yesterday Shilo, an adopted 26 year old gelding died of an apparent heart attack. My 10 year old daughter is devastated. Next to dad, he was the only man in her life. Sad day at our house. Great memories and relfections but hard for such a loving little girl.
Did you hug your kids today?
Take care all!

Steve Evans
01-18-2006, 2:34 PM

I would definitely be in for such an event.


Frank Pellow
01-19-2006, 8:50 AM
Rick, Chris, and Steve, the more I think about a SOSMCMBBQ (Southern Ontario Saw Mill Creek Members BBQ), the more I like it. I think that late June and either a Saturday or Sunday would be about the best time.

Rick, I look forward to your suggestions, and welcome those from others.

Frank Pellow
01-19-2006, 9:29 AM
Frank - count me in! I just hope you pick a day with better weather than yesterday. Is that grandson Ethan with you in the new avitar?

Great, and yes it is Ethan in the avitar.

And on a personal note -- While I was gone yesterday Shilo, an adopted 26 year old gelding died of an apparent heart attack. My 10 year old daughter is devastated. Next to dad, he was the only man in her life. Sad day at our house. Great memories and relfections but hard for such a loving little girl.
Did you hug your kids today?
Take care all!
I know all to well just how your daughter feels. I lost a pet (our mutt dog Boots) when I was ten and my children both lost pets at around that age. I can be very hard to get over. I still often think of Boots and her loss still brings tears to my eyes. Please give your daughter a hug from me Chris.