View Full Version : Tired of Winter?

Rich Riddle
02-01-2022, 4:58 AM
Is anyone else tired of winter? The older and grumpier I get, the less cold and/or snow holds any appeal.

Dan Bundy
02-01-2022, 5:39 AM
YES! But the weather guys here in Central KY say the worst is still to come, including a major winter storm event (rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow) later this week. Ugh.

Ronald Blue
02-01-2022, 5:42 AM
I'm tolerating it well so far. Looks like a major snow even hitting this evening though. Since retirement the jobs come to me. Local township approached me about running a snowplow to help out. Told them I'd give it a try. Going this morning to get up to speed on everything. So if you see something in the news about a grumpy old man going berserk in a snow plow lol. Actually country roads so it shouldn't be an issue. Stay warm and in the shop if you can.

Jerry Bruette
02-01-2022, 6:54 AM
Went snowshoeing yesterday. It was about 31* and partly sunny. Good day to get some exercise.

Brian Tymchak
02-01-2022, 7:49 AM
If we get the 1/2" of ice that one model is forecasting, I'm going to be real tired of winter. Hopefully the other model forecast comes thru which gives us 12-18" of snow. I'll take heavy snow over ice any day.

Dave Fritz
02-01-2022, 8:36 AM
It does, especially when the temp is below zero and the shop is too cold to work. (cold tools are more of a problem for me than the air temp.) Otherwise winter is when I get most of my shop work in. Summer brings gardening and outside chores.

Curt Harms
02-01-2022, 8:45 AM
We've had a pretty good winter so far. It seems like more mornings in the single digit temps temps than is typical though. I imagine that people right on the mid Atlantic and New England coasts, if they weren't tired of winter last week certainly are now. A foot+ of snow on the Jersey shore is not common.

Ron Citerone
02-01-2022, 9:58 AM
Usually winter is time in the shop I belong to. This winter I haven't gone because I am avoiding human contact to some degree. I did a lot of work at the cottage last summer and fall so I am actually enjoying relaxing and cooking a lot.

Since I retired, winter is a lot nicer being able to get out during daylight hours. Including winter walks during the warmest part of the day.

Lawrence Duckworth
02-01-2022, 10:29 AM
My wife and I have been googling/surfing Bradenton Fla. real estate. High today 56 and sunny here in n.e georgia....no one should have to live like this!!!

Dave Anderson NH
02-01-2022, 11:08 AM
I listen to local folks here in NH complain about snow and winter. I usually ask them if they have lived here all of their life. Often they say yes. I then ask them if, "Is this something unusual. It's New Hampshire, it's winter, it snows. Always has."

Jim Becker
02-01-2022, 12:05 PM
Tired of it for many years now. Fortunately, winters have also gotten less severe in recent years, although this year's weather patterns have brought a bit more cold air than in the last five or so.

Jim Becker
02-01-2022, 12:06 PM
My wife and I have been googling/surfing Bradenton Fla. real estate. High today 56 and sunny here in n.e georgia....no one should have to live like this!!!

That's where my parents first bought in Florida many years ago. It's a very nice area, but so so much more built up than "back in the day". They did eventually move to central Florida to get away from the condo thing and back into a single family home that they occupied for over 30 years before moving into a life-care community. (which was a brilliant decision that paid off very well for them both)

Lee Schierer
02-01-2022, 3:14 PM
Now that I'm retired, I don't mind the snow much at all. If it snows, I can clear the driveway when I feel like it, instead of when I have to. I also get to go snow shoeing and cross country skiing. I mostly like the cold weather because you can always get warmer. The summer heat is hard because you can only take off so much clothing before they arrest you.

Rich Riddle
02-01-2022, 3:29 PM
If we get the 1/2" of ice that one model is forecasting, I'm going to be real tired of winter. Hopefully the other model forecast comes thru which gives us 12-18" of snow. I'll take heavy snow over ice any day.
I just looked at the forecast you are discussing. Sleet on top of ice, lovely.

Brian Elfert
02-01-2022, 4:43 PM
I listen to local folks here in NH complain about snow and winter. I usually ask them if they have lived here all of their life. Often they say yes. I then ask them if, "Is this something unusual. It's New Hampshire, it's winter, it snows. Always has."

Just because someone lives in a place their entire life doesn't mean they necessarily like living there. It is generally easier to live in the place you grew up than to move away. As a young person you often want to stay close to mom and dad as they'll help out if you need it. If your parents and siblings live there you also probably want to to stay close to them. The older you get the more "attached" you get to a community with friends and so on. If you have kids you likely don't want to uproot them from school and their friends.

It gets harder to move for a lot of folks as they age. We tend to accumulate stuff that makes a move harder. I often see people asking about a cheap way to move two or three semi loads worth of stuff hundreds or thousands of miles. The cost of moving often deters folks from moving to a warmer climate.

I live in the Minneapolis area basically by default because I grew up here. I would prefer a drier climate as the summer humidity can make me really sick. I stay because I have friends family in the area plus a job I like. I also have a house that I have spent a lot of time renovating and modernizing. It is not easy finding a new job at age 50. Age discrimination is still alive and well. Employers just give other reasons besides age for not making a hire.

Mark Brewer
02-01-2022, 4:57 PM
Snowing now, but I plow and shovel on my schedule, it will be warm and I will be mowing before I know it.
Weather is what it is, never perfect anywhere.
Farmers tan soon…..
Shop is warm and dry.

Mel Fulks
02-01-2022, 5:23 PM
I use one of those sun - light ,electric lights in the mornings . At least 30 minutes, and it helps lower the gloom-midity.

roger wiegand
02-01-2022, 6:52 PM
Heck no! Finally got our first real snow of the season (about 18") and it's stunning out. We get a ton of sun in the winter, unlike other places I've lived and it makes it really very nice. Also finally cool enough to do heavy outside work without sweating to death.

Jim Becker
02-01-2022, 8:18 PM
Just because someone lives in a place their entire life doesn't mean they necessarily like living there. It is generally easier to live in the place you grew up than to move away.

I generally agree with that. Many folks prefer "the devil they know". My brother will never move anywhere I'm pretty darn sure, despite good reasons to do so. Same for his older daughter and even more so...she could make something of her life but can't cut her ties.

I've always lived in Pennsylvania and it's likely where I'll be for the duration at this point. We actually do like where we live and our new, smaller place "in town" is close to both daughters who now have apartments, also "in town", and we're in an actual non-cookie cutter neighborhood. It's one of the (many, of course) "best rated" small towns in the country to live in, deservedly so. I am thankful, however, that I'm not still living in my hometown up in the northeastern corner of the state because the weather is dramatically different during the colder months. THAT would be uncomfortable!

We did discuss if we wanted to stay in this area. Neither of us would enjoy living "down south" and it would have delayed our downsizing, too, since Professor Dr SWMBO is still working. (Although she's considering retirement in a year or so at this point) Moving would be complicated relative to our older daughter, too. Without going into details, she's "independent", but "not independent" because of a "non visible disability" and she'd also have to move. That would be difficult for all kinds of reasons including her medical coverage. But there are places we do like and could enjoy living in, maybe more than here, but who knows?

Bruce Wrenn
02-01-2022, 9:14 PM
With each passing birthday, winter becomes less appealing. For the past three weekends, we have had some kind of winter weather event. Ice, freezing rain, or snow. It's only 45 days till SPRING! Already getting garden transplants started. Tomorrow thru Friday, it's going to be in the upper sixties, but then it's back reality. Tonight weather forecaster mentioned that "S" word again for last half of weekend.

Alex Zeller
02-02-2022, 12:36 AM
It's winter? Hadn't noticed. The best thing about winter is the woodstove. Most of us pay one way or the other. Those bragging about being warm in the winter will be the ones talking about how it's over 100f in their shop 6 months from now. Probably, for me, the worst thing about winter is seeing pictures of flowers growing when we still have a foot of snow still on the ground.

Lawrence Duckworth
02-02-2022, 8:17 AM
That's where my parents first bought in Florida many years ago. It's a very nice area, but so so much more built up than "back in the day". They did eventually move to central Florida to get away from the condo thing and back into a single family home that they occupied for over 30 years before moving into a life-care community. (which was a brilliant decision that paid off very well for them both)

It is a nice area. My wife has family there so we're familiar with it, but the home prices I haven't paid much attention to until now....yikes...big bucks!

...winters suck...swhy they call it winter

Jack Frederick
02-02-2022, 10:47 AM
Given what summers are here, I’ll take all the winter I can get…here. While I miss MA and the Northeast, I timed out of the winters.

Rich Riddle
02-02-2022, 10:03 PM
Another winter storm looms. On the highway tonight, truckers were driving more than 80 MPH in the rain. Perhaps they were trying to escape the storm.

Jerry Bruette
02-05-2022, 11:12 AM
Winters can get a little long in the tooth up north here, but they also present the opportunity to observe some wildlife that's not usually around during the fair weather months. Last night I turned on the lights in the backyard in hopes of spotting a deer by the bird feeder and to my surprise I found the telltale signs of a different visitor. There it was the squiggly track of the elusive northern snow snake. I must have just missed the rare serpent but did catch a picture of the tracks.

So nah, we're not tired of winter up here yet.;)


John Goodin
02-09-2022, 11:32 PM
Winter is good in central Texas. For the week lows in the 30s, highs in the low 60s. The summers are dreaded.

Ole Anderson
02-10-2022, 7:26 AM
I am just tired of all the forecasts promising snow that either goes north or south of me.

Derek Meyer
02-10-2022, 5:14 PM
Winter is on hiatus this week for us. It is 58 degrees with a slight breeze, partly cloudy. It's been in the 50's all week and it's supposed to continue through the weekend.

That probably means freezing temps and snow in mid March. You never know.

Ron Citerone
02-10-2022, 5:57 PM
Winters can get a little long in the tooth up north here, but they also present the opportunity to observe some wildlife that's not usually around during the fair weather months. Last night I turned on the lights in the backyard in hopes of spotting a deer by the bird feeder and to my surprise I found the telltale signs of a different visitor. There it was the squiggly track of the elusive northern snow snake. I must have just missed the rare serpent but did catch a picture of the tracks.

So nah, we're not tired of winter up here yet.;)

Thanks Jerry, Learned something new about snakes today!!

Lawrence Duckworth
02-10-2022, 7:29 PM
Winters can get a little long in the tooth up north here, but they also present the opportunity to observe some wildlife that's not usually around during the fair weather months. Last night I turned on the lights in the backyard in hopes of spotting a deer by the bird feeder and to my surprise I found the telltale signs of a different visitor. There it was the squiggly track of the elusive northern snow snake. I must have just missed the rare serpent but did catch a picture of the tracks.

So nah, we're not tired of winter up here yet.;)


473644 can't hunt them in northeast georgia anymore. :)

Ron Citerone
02-10-2022, 7:33 PM
473644 can't hunt them in northeast georgia anymore. :)

Southern Zone still open? :confused:

Jim Becker
02-10-2022, 7:38 PM
According to the local weather folks I follow who are part of Accuweather's constituency, aside from a brief blast this coming Sunday/Monday, they are saying that the long term models pretty much have spelled the end of winter for us here in SE PA and surrounding. I'm good with that. Today it was 53ºF which was quite pleasant for the work I needed to do outside on a short ladder to complete tine kitchen ventilation installation. The sun was out, the birds were singing...and I managed not to say very many bad words and none were weather related. :)

Brian Elfert
02-11-2022, 4:13 PM
We probably won't see 53 degrees here until some time in March. A low of -9F today and -11F tomorrow. It was slightly above freezing overnight, but the temperature dropped quickly early this morning and it is 16 degrees right now. It helps that Pennsylvania is a fair bit further south than Minnesota.

Jeff Monson
02-11-2022, 4:19 PM
We probably won't see 53 degrees here until some time in March. A low of -9F today and -11F tomorrow. It was slightly above freezing overnight, but the temperature dropped quickly early this morning and it is 16 degrees right now. It helps that Pennsylvania is a fair bit further south than Minnesota.

At the rate this winter is going, I hope to see 53 by July!

Jim Becker
02-11-2022, 7:43 PM
We probably won't see 53 degrees here until some time in March. A low of -9F today and -11F tomorrow. It was slightly above freezing overnight, but the temperature dropped quickly early this morning and it is 16 degrees right now. It helps that Pennsylvania is a fair bit further south than Minnesota.

62ºF here today and likely the same tomorrow. :D And yes, SE PA is a little further south, but also near sea level and closer to the ocean.

Bert Kemp
02-12-2022, 2:21 AM
No I love winter but I get sick of summer about the end of May:D

Bruce Wrenn
02-12-2022, 9:42 PM
Seventy one today, 43 tomorrow, with possible wintery weather mix. By next Thursday, 71 again. Yesterday, scraped frost off windshield, and by ten AM was running AC.