View Full Version : FWW compilation disk

John Piwaron
01-17-2006, 1:45 PM
Is Taunton still sell the DVD that compiles "all" the articles from Fine Woodworking magazine? I was just on their website and don't see it anymore.

Scott Loven
01-17-2006, 1:50 PM
I sell taunton products, they have discontinued that item for some reason. They have not said if there is a replacement on its way.

John Viola
01-17-2006, 1:59 PM
They are not selling it anymore. It has been replaced by that finewoodworkingnetwork where you pay an annual or monthly fee to have access to the articles on that CD, as well as videos, etc. Check the Taunton website for more info.

Dan Racette
01-17-2006, 2:30 PM
Fyi it is not a wholly complete compilation, just selected articles.

John Piwaron
01-17-2006, 3:49 PM
Fyi it is not a wholly complete compilation, just selected articles.

Yeah, I knew that.

So Taunton has joined with a lot of other companies. The business model of a few bucks a month.

Good for them, but not for me. I just don't do that as much as possible. Yeah, I know. I have a phone bill and a monthly bill to the satellite company, but if I kept signing up for the "few bucks a month" all these places wanted I'd soon run out of money. Heck, this is one reason (among others) that I don't have a cell phone.

Brad Olson
01-17-2006, 5:47 PM
Piracy of the CD was a huge problem thus the model they are going for now.

Brent Smith
01-17-2006, 6:05 PM
They didn't exactly end the sale of the CD in a fair way. I bought it a few months ago, on the cover it said it included free 1 year access to the on-line archives. When I tried to log on I was refused, so I called Taunton. I was told that that was no longer available. I told them that I payed $150 for the CD with the understanding that it was included. They said they'd get back to me. I waited a week and phoned them again, again was told they'd get back to me. It says something for Taunton's commitment to customer service that I've never heard back from them.


EDIT.....just to clarify...I bought the CD from a retailer before there was any mention on Knots of the new subscription site.

Clint Malone
01-17-2006, 8:34 PM
You can still get it on ebay.

John Piwaron
01-17-2006, 10:34 PM
Heck, I'd settle for a print index like they've previously offered.

To buy this magazine represents a pretty fair amount of money. FWW or it's sister publications are not the cheapest magazines on the rack. Nor is the subscription rate.

I guess I'm just expecting a little more. One poster to this thread reports fairly poor customer service. That's not good.

They used to publish a magazine I was pleased to spend money on. Home Furniture. I don't know the specific reasons why they ceased publication, but that's something I'd spend bux on.

Is it really so hard for them to sell the CD or make a comprehensive index available in print?

One thing I'm NOT willing to do is go with the monthly fee (or annual for that matter) for that online access arrangement they currently offer. It's just too expensive. If they really wanted subscribers to get on board with this they should link it for a lower cost.