View Full Version : Danger Will Robinson Danger - Stay Away

Jim Koepke
01-24-2022, 3:35 PM
Have you heard of Wordle?


If you haven't don't get sucked in.

It is an addictive word game. The designer knew this and designed the app so people could only play one round per day.

There are a few on the internet who have realized some people have a deep need to stare at their computer screen all day and will provide a way for those folks to get their wish.

Don't say you weren't warned.


Greg Funk
01-24-2022, 4:02 PM
It's addictive. Just a reminder to use the 'share' feature for posting rather than screen shots.

As there is only one word each day and it's the same word for everyone best not to post spoilers.

Malcolm Schweizer
01-24-2022, 4:09 PM
What is the deal with people posting green and black squares like they achieved some wonderful thing?

Greg Funk
01-24-2022, 4:15 PM
What is the deal with people posting green and black squares like they achieved some wonderful thing?I think the days where on is required to have 'something wonderful' to post on social media have long since passed. The bar for posting is much lower now :)

Jim Becker
01-24-2022, 4:33 PM
What I find humorous is that this game has been around for a very long time. It's just suddenly become popular. It got so popular that some entities went and created their own apps for it...and they have now been taken down by the app stores. The purveyor of the web-based game prevailed on that and one nice thing about it is that the site doesn't collect any PII, etc. Everyone playing the game on a given day gets the same word, so it's kinda like golf...you are really only playing yourself. :)

Oh, the screen scrapes of from one completing the game for the day kinda are about bragging rights for getting the word in the least number of tries, but fortunately, the actual letters do not show since again, everyone gets the same word.

roger wiegand
01-24-2022, 7:14 PM
I've played it after I've finished the NY Times crossword and their Spelling Bee game (make all the words you can from seven letters with one of them required to be in every word with at least one word that uses all the letters. The latter is deceptively hard, I've never gotten all the possible words (their word list excludes really obscure and technical words, they are pretty much all words one might know). Some days I can't even get to the "genius" level, and when I see the answers the next day it's a "Doh!" head slap.

I guess an advantage of Wordle is that you can do it in a few minutes-- and then brag to your friends. It's OK, I don't find it addictive, not that much to it. It will be gone back to obscurity in a few weeks or months is my prediction.

Paul F Franklin
01-24-2022, 8:25 PM
Mary and I play each other using words with friends; she's a little better than I am but we are pretty closely matched. That's enough app time wasting for me so we'll skip wordle...

Jim Koepke
01-25-2022, 1:44 AM
It's addictive. Just a reminder to use the 'share' feature for posting rather than screen shots.

As there is only one word each day and it's the same word for everyone best not to post spoilers.

Hi Greg, that wasn't from the regular daily game. It is from the wordle archive so it is a game from the past.


Greg Funk
01-25-2022, 5:07 PM
Hi Greg, that wasn't from the regular daily game. It is from the wordle archive so it is a game from the past.

jtkDoesn't matter now but that was the solution for yesterday's word.

Dave Zellers
01-25-2022, 8:30 PM
There is a better version IMO. https://wordlegame.org/

Choose anywhere from 4-11 letters and play as many times as you want. Totally addicted. I prefer 6 or 7 letters. Counterintuitively, that doesn't necessarily make it harder than 5 letters- there are fewer words that will fit after 2-3 rows. I did a 10 letter puzzle yesterday on the 3rd row. I love it.