View Full Version : Another dust bin option

Leigh Betsch
01-18-2022, 7:50 PM

In my old shop I just used my tractor to haul out the 55 gallon sawdust bins and dumped them behind the trees to decompose. But now in the new lake home shop, I needed a different solution. Lifting and dumping the 55 gallon drums was way to much effort. So I contracted for another 64 gallon waste container from the trash company and now I can just wheel my dust to the end of the driveway. I have my cyclone in the attic so I don't have any head space issues.
I did have to make a new lid and seal. Also the truck lift bar fits loosely into the interior of the container and doesn't seal. I used some silicone to make this air tight. I will just have to wait and see if the bar seal gets torn when it gets dumped.

Just posting in case someone else can use the idea.

Frank Pratt
01-19-2022, 9:22 AM
Clever plan. Do you have an alternate bin in case you need to use the DC on garbage day?

Jim Becker
01-19-2022, 10:01 AM
Interesting and helpful solution for what can be a heavy task. 'Just be sure you are very careful about fully sealing that when in use...even a pinhole air leak can cause blow by which will result in many bad words if you plug a filter or a large, disorganized pile of "stuff" outside if you are direct venting. :)

Leigh Betsch
01-19-2022, 10:17 AM
Maybe I’ll figure out a way to pressure test the system.
My plan was to use the house bin and rotate on trash day, but that one is cracked. I figure I could complain and get it replaced. We don’t usually fill up our house trash bin so I plan just to put the house trash bags into the dust bin on trash days and rotate the house bin into the shop. But for that plan to work I have to get the cracked one replaced. Time will tell I guess. I haven’t used it yet, I need to get some duck tape to seal the hose connector first.
It does cost me an extra $11/month to have the second bin. I’m good with the cost just so I don’t have to wrestle the 55 gallon drum anymore. I think the biggest issue will be maintaining the seal of the load bar. I doubt the trash truck is a gentle process.

Dwayne Watt
01-21-2022, 9:42 AM
Maybe not an issue where you live, but in my locality the trash folks will not pickup anything that falls into the category of lawn waste (organic materials). A bag of sawdust set at the curb stays at the curb.

Leigh Betsch
01-21-2022, 11:32 AM
Not really an issue here. They take almost anything that fits in a trash bin. Except hazardous stuff of course.

Jim Becker
01-21-2022, 12:47 PM
Same here, although there is a volume restriction on how much "yard waste" can go out per pickup. It needs to be either in the trash container or in yard waste bags up to a certain weight. No stumps, etc., but cut up limbs, leaves, garden waste, etc., is fair game. My temporary DC (SDD) is setup with plastic bags in the bin, so they look like normal trash bags anyway and just go in the big roller bin. (I do miss being able to dump this stuff on-property like we could at the old place!)

Tom Bender
01-21-2022, 5:37 PM
Doesn't the bin collapse from vacuum?

We have yard waste recycling in summer so we feel better about our waste streams. I keep a lawn waste bag in the shop for dust and bits and put it out in season. Thru the winter one bag is usually enough. I dump the DC bin into it too.

Leigh Betsch
01-21-2022, 7:47 PM
Nope. Not that much vacuum in the dust bin.

Ron Selzer
01-23-2022, 1:13 PM
I empty my dust collector bin into the paper bags for lawn waste, fills it full as long as I pack the sawdust tight. tape the top shut and put it out for trash pickup as lawn waste spring, summer, fall. Winter it goes to the dumpster at work or to my brothers where it gets dumped and scattered where the garden used to be.

Leigh Betsch
04-19-2022, 2:37 PM
Garbage day.
Meh, An okay week I guess.