View Full Version : Jigsaw puzzles

dennis thompson
01-18-2022, 5:27 PM
My sister in law does puzzles all the time, so my wife decided to try one. It seemed pretty boring to me. But when my wife got stuck on her puzzle I tried to help her. Guess who’s now doing puzzles :)?
Here’s the latest one I did, 500 pieces , called Grampa’s Workshop

Bruce Volden
01-18-2022, 6:22 PM
Grampa's Workshop on Grampa's table???


John K Jordan
01-18-2022, 6:42 PM
My sister in law does puzzles all the time, so my wife decided to try one. It seemed pretty boring to me. But when my wife got stuck on her puzzle I tried to help her. Guess who’s now doing puzzles :)?
Here’s the latest one I did, 500 pieces , called Grampa’s Workshop

Do you have snow? People seem to be doing more puzzles the more it snows! My oldest son in SC got 6" the other day, did a 1000 piece then started on a 2000 piece puzzle. Yikes.

Lisa Starr
01-18-2022, 7:02 PM
I frequently do jigsaw puzzles on my laptop while resting in the afternoon. It keeps me occupied and doesn't make me think too hard. I prefer Crosswords and Sudokus earlier in the day when my mind still works!

dennis thompson
01-18-2022, 9:25 PM
Grampa's Workshop on Grampa's table???


Yes, I did make that table:)

Myk Rian
01-19-2022, 8:51 AM
We do 1,000 piece puzzles during the winter. I bought my wife a 1,500 piece, but she hasn't cracked it open yet.

Aaron Rosenthal
01-19-2022, 9:48 AM
As a long time observer of my wife’s (and younger family) mania on doing jigsaw puzzles, I can only warn that the. DOING of the puzzle is wonderful, but the storage and inability to break it down and/or pass it along is the curse. LOL!

Paul F Franklin
01-19-2022, 10:08 AM
My wife and I enjoy doing puzzles, and it ramped up with the pandemic. My wife does most of them; I do a bit when I feel like it. We mostly pick puzzles that depict scenes from places we've traveled to, and also have done ones of the local sports stadiums since my wife is a big sports fan.

When they are done, I coat them with modge podge and then mount them to foamboard. Then we frame them and hang them in our basement rec room. I'm about 5 or 6 puzzles behind in the mounting process, however.

Quality of the puzzles really varies with brand, but we've found the Ravensburger puzzles to be uniformly great quality, and they have a lot of puzzles that fit into our theme.

Dave Fritz
01-19-2022, 10:12 AM
My wife loves puzzles. She will ask if I want to help, then the minute I touch a piece she says, "I've organized those pieces so don't mess them up". What to help? Probably not. Her dad used to mount finished puzzles on Masonite and hang them like pictures. We haven't gone there yet thankfully.

John K Jordan
01-19-2022, 7:21 PM
I just remembered something my wife taught me that helps when doing puzzles. She takes a photo with her phone of the picture on the box. Then when searching for the spot where a piece might go she zooms in and scrolls around the picture on the screen. I thought that was a great idea!

Most years our sons and families join us for a week at the beach and puzzles are worked every time. The harder the puzzle the better. With 7 or more people working on a puzzle at various times we can usually finish several large puzzles. We often bring new puzzles and the rental houses usually have some. This 1000 piece one was a favorite last trip:


David Publicover
01-19-2022, 7:37 PM
We often do puzzles during the winter. My wife just opened a new one this evening. It’s good fun but we never save them. Once we finish we tear it down and pass it on to a friend or Goodwill.

Dave Lehnert
01-19-2022, 9:20 PM
I enjoy doing Lee Valley puzzles. They do a tool and garden one each year.

Myk Rian
01-20-2022, 11:17 AM
Here's one my brother gifted to me. 1,000 pieces, 1/2" square.
We started it last year, then decided we weren't up to the challenge. We'll give it another go sometime.


Derek Meyer
01-20-2022, 2:45 PM
I like puzzles but don't have the space to do them at the moment. That will change once I get my basement organized.

When I was growing up we did puzzles occasionally as a family. My mom would set up a card table in the living room and we would all work on a puzzle off and on as time permitted. The best (and hardest) puzzle I remember was one of a full-sized Monopoly board, with 5000 pieces. Doing the outside of the board with the landing spaces wasn't so bad, but filling in the middle, which was all the same color, was really challenging. It took us months to finish that one. The pieces were about the size of my (now adult) thumbnail. It was a pretty good sense of accomplishment when when we finished it, though.

Scott Brader
01-20-2022, 3:50 PM
My wife is a jigsaw puzzle fanatic! She hits up Fleet Farm after Christmas every year when they put all of their toys and puzzles on sale to clear them out. She buys a cart full of them. She is addicted to puzzles and sorts through them pretty much anywhere we go that sells them. She almost always ends up buying one or two. We went to the Amana Colonies to celebrate our anniversary last month and she found a shop with puzzles there and had to buy a couple. She won't touch one under 1,000 pieces. She says they are too easy.

I have had a number of puzzles made for her from photos of her with our grandson/photos of our grandson and even one of a photo of her Mom meeting Asaph (our grandson). That one is particularly special because her 98 year old mother took a turn for the worst that night and passed away a week later.

I built her a large, live edge puzzle table that holds even her largest puzzles. She spends time on them every evening (and maybe while I'm at work during the day, too). I am severely colorblind and find puzzles to be extremely frustrating because of that. I'm glad she likes them, though. It gives her something fun to do.

Ronald Blue
01-22-2022, 8:35 AM
Interesting. We talked about tackling some puzzles this winter. I can remember when I was a kid maybe 5 but no older having a puzzle laid out and we all worked on it. I still remember the basic scene. It was a view of a harvested corn field with hundreds of geese either already on the ground or landing. Funny the things we remember. Haven't tried working any puzzles for a long time though. When my father was at a care facility a few years ago they had a table set up and all those interested and able would spend time working them. Puzzles are a great way to pass time and they say help keep the mind functioning and sharp.

Steve Wurster
01-22-2022, 9:44 AM
I love doing jigsaw puzzles, although I rarely do puzzles that are less than 1000 pieces unless they are unique in some fashion. At a previous job they would put out puzzles in the kitchen for people to work on as sort of a break time, and I ended up doing the majority of the work on those. The hardest ones I remember were of the Minions (from the movies), and one with nothing but zebras.

My in-laws gave me a few puzzles for Christmas, and each of them had a twist of some sort. Two of them were "murder mystery" puzzles where the clues are hidden in the puzzle, and therefore the finished picture is not provided (unless you open up the envelope with the answer). Those were only 500 pieces each and still fairly easy to complete, but unfortunately the "mystery" part was actually quite lame.

The puzzle below was of a geode, where most of the pieces were of a different style than usual.

472098 472097

And the remaining puzzle was of a nebula, however it was an "infinite" puzzle and you could complete it in different ways. In the picture below you can see how that section on the top left can also be placed into the hole near the bottom right. Pretty cool.


Ed Aumiller
01-22-2022, 12:19 PM
My neighbor showed us a link to a very challenging puzzle...
https://www.etsy.com/listing/791899967/custom-clear-jigsaw-puzzles-impossible?ref=hp_top_in_taxo-2-2&source=aw&utm_source=affiliate_window&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=us_location_buyer&utm_term=3657&utm_content=136348&awc=6220_1586967394_d68b83f416a0baf57af95f60fcb0c5 49&utm_custom1=uid969-39689563-4&source=aw&utm_source=affiliate_window&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=us_location_buyer&utm_content=202819&awc=6220_1641728998_fd8fe17d5e8d391ab052ffafe786db a2&source=aw&utm_source=affiliate_window&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=us_location_buyer&utm_content=136348&awc=6220_1642871222_cc3326c7af8120689457149a1ec4c5 3b

All the pieces are clear.
I do not do puzzles but found this one interesting.

Mike Soaper
01-22-2022, 3:23 PM
I know a dog that likes to help with jigsaw puzzels, he likes to chew on pieces untill they're slobered and plyable enough to fit into any shape

John K Jordan
01-22-2022, 3:50 PM
My neighbor showed us a link to a very challenging puzzle...
All the pieces are clear.
I do not do puzzles but found this one interesting.

What I like better are puzzles with all white pieces. I have several small ones made specifically for adding your own artwork or text with pens, markers, or watercolors.

dennis thompson
01-23-2022, 10:49 AM
I did a puzzle online for the first time. It took me 25 minutes, the average of 10 other people who did the same puzzle was 3-5 minutes😱

Lee DeRaud
01-25-2022, 2:34 PM
What I like better are puzzles with all white pieces. I have several small ones made specifically for adding your own artwork or text with pens, markers, or watercolors.
I recall one from decades ago that was supposed to be the hardest puzzle in the world. The pieces were white on both sides, with double-stamping, so there was absolutely no way to tell which side was up for any given piece. No longer made AFAIK: it was stupidly expensive at the time, likely due to the double-stamp process.

(They still make single-color puzzles, but they're not double-sided. In fact, most of them have "clue" markings on the back side.)

dennis thompson
04-05-2022, 6:11 PM
Here's a puzzle I just completed, 500 pieces, it took me a long time, as a lot of it was just plain black pieces.

Dan Hunkele
04-06-2022, 9:23 AM
My son is a puzzler. I was over the other day and he is working on a Where's Waldo puzzle. Very confusing but I did find quite a few pieces to install while there.

Jerome Stanek
04-07-2022, 9:29 AM
We do puzzles in the winter. One of my favorites is a where's Waldo another is an octagon one of formula 1 cars

Paul F Franklin
04-07-2022, 10:13 AM
Here's a puzzle I just completed, 500 pieces, it took me a long time, as a lot of it was just plain black pieces.

I'd love to do that one Dennis... is it one of the Lee Valley puzzles or from somewhere else?

dennis thompson
04-07-2022, 3:08 PM
I'd love to do that one Dennis... is it one of the Lee Valley puzzles or from somewhere else?
It’s from Lee Valley, as I said, it was pretty challenging for a new puzzler like me.