View Full Version : Doll beds from Newbie (pics)

Phil Dahlquist
01-16-2006, 11:36 PM
I just completed some doll beds for my nieces and thought I'd share some pics. I'm a novice woodworker who's been lurking and appreciating all the great content from people at this site for a number of months. As somone who's trying to learn on his own I've found this site to be extremely helpful and a great encouragement.

Jim Knauss
01-17-2006, 4:26 AM
Welcome to the Creek Phil and good job on the beds! Bet they are well received.

Jim Knauss

Vaughn McMillan
01-17-2006, 4:39 AM
Welcome aboard, Phil, and nice job and lots of cool details on the beds. I'll bet the girls will love them. Are the flowers and other "frillies" appliques or are they painted on?

- Vaughn

Karl Laustrup
01-17-2006, 6:24 AM
Welcome to the "Creek" Phil. Nice job on the beds. My guess is you're their favorite uncle. :D

What are the dimensions? How did you do the fabric headboards?

Me thinks Mr. Becker will be helping Nastia do a couple of those in short order. ;) :D


Chad Pater
01-17-2006, 10:02 AM
Welcome to a fellow "Minnesota Creeker"! Like the others said, nice job on the beds. Please don't be shy just because your a "newbie". This site is a great place for everyone, pros to the newbies. Not many places that I have found can say the same. You are sure to learn a lot here, I know I am.

Jim Becker
01-17-2006, 10:45 AM
Ah...I'm not the only one, I see!! Very nice work....and welcome to the 'Creek!

William Lewis
01-17-2006, 10:55 AM
Must be the week for Doll beds. LOL. I think i need to make up a few of tho's for the Granddaughter. I'am in the process of getting material together to make a cradle for her dolls now.

William Lewis

Phil Dahlquist
01-17-2006, 5:53 PM
Thanks everyone for the nice welcome and comments. While I like to think of myself as a well rounded person secure in my masculinity, unfortunately I can't take any credit for the cutsy headboard decorations or bedding sets on the beds. My wife bought the bedding sets at Target with the headboard cushions included, and the decorations on the headboards are painted wood and were purchased at Michael's Arts and Crafts store. The beds are about 21 1/2 X 11" and are made to fit 18" dolls. Thanks again for welcoming me into your community.