View Full Version : Oak Kitchen table stain and smell :Rotted Green Peppers

Clarence Martinn
01-09-2022, 10:46 PM

Gotta get, this fixed!! :eek:

Smelled something in the Kitchen today. Searched for an hour, trying to find the smell. Then I finally found it. I forgot to put the peppers in the refrigerator. One of them rotted , and leaked onto the Oak Kitchen Table. Cleaned it up, and tried Comet, vinegar, dawn dish soap, and baking soda. Can still smell the rotted green peppers in the spot on the table.

Anyone know what is the best way to get rid of that smell??

Aaron Rosenthal
01-10-2022, 12:39 AM
Deodorock? Pet store item?

Rob Luter
01-10-2022, 5:40 AM
Try a paste made from distilled water and baking soda. It should pull the funk out of the wood as it dries. Make sure you use distilled. Well/tap water will stain if it has any iron in it.

Clarence Martinn
01-10-2022, 7:55 PM
Got all the smell out. Took a LOT of scrubbing !! Now, I just have to sand out that dark spot ; and put a coat of stain on it. May just re stain the whole table top, and put a couple of coats of Poly on top of the stain.

Frank Pratt
01-11-2022, 9:38 AM
Got all the smell out. Took a LOT of scrubbing !! Now, I just have to sand out that dark spot ; and put a coat of stain on it. May just re stain the whole table top, and put a couple of coats of Poly on top of the stain.

If your careful & watch closely, oxalic acid may minimize the stain without whitening the surrounding wood.