View Full Version : im a lumber jack and im okay

Warren Lake
01-08-2022, 12:22 PM
anyone using a Chopper one for splitting? Years back a friend got me a Chopper 1. Month later visiting a farmer friend saw also had one but the wings and springs were gone. I said whats up with that. He said he broke it in the first week. At 6 4" and 300 lbs he was strong. He was here one day and chopped some stuff and had a different way. He choked up and he pulled down fast and said his way was velocity. He sold firewood at that point 400 bush cords and all was done by hand. It was therapy for him to do it that way.

He had a replacement handle a friend got him and I liked it better. Always find I want thicker larger handles and this one was. The main thing I loved how it chopped with the original stuff off. I used a die grinder and cut mine apart. Loved it. In time I replaced the handle the farm store and while a bit beefier it was made from crap wood.

Chopper does not use a standard handle end so you have to buy handles from them. I made the farm store work and it was fine but not the wood whatever it was. Last time I broke it went and bought another chopper off Kijiji and best to have two anyway. this one Fiberglass handle. Dont like feel and its also way too small. I cut the wings off and was back to work. Yesterday using it to split it was almost disappointing how easy it was to split. Im doing an easy wood but still stuff just explodes simple and easy.

When there is time ill make some jigs and make some handles on the shaper that feel comfortable.

If anyone has a chopper and is brave enough to cut the wings off think you will be pleased. I never liked the sound of all the stuff on it. Farmer friend told me the first time he whacked something hard with the wings still on it flew and put a dent in his pickup truck door 20 feet away. That sounds good if you could just get it to land and all be stacked nicely.

In the spirit of chopping i watched Monty Python "im a lumber jack and im okay" just to get in the mood, then saw it in german and watched that, surprise ending that one :) cant post it though its not the world I grew up in. If you do watch it dont shoot the messenger.