View Full Version : What glue for little legs?

Rich Engelhardt
01-08-2022, 6:27 AM
I need some real good glue.
I need to spread it around so I can trap those little legs...

The little legs stuff grows so it can run away and hide.

I had to buy - - yet again - - a set of drill bits because all of mine grew legs and ran away.

My wife is always telling me if I put stuff back after I'm done using it, it will be happy living here and not want to run away.
I don't believe her.

I think that's just a ruse to make me stop drinking beer.

Bill Dufour
01-08-2022, 8:16 AM
I just heard that in Britain they just found a fossil of the largest millipede ever. It was eight feet long, two feet wide and weighed over 120 pounds. when it was alive it was the largest land animal.
Bill D.


Stan Calow
01-08-2022, 9:44 AM
Rich, I used to keep a clipboard in the shop, on which I wrote down everything I couldn't find. I'd cross things off if they showed up. Now - you guessed it - I can't find the clipboard.

Jim Koepke
01-08-2022, 10:19 AM
What you really need is to get a drill jail, then use it:


They have to grow real long legs to escape from one of these.

Also available in compact sizes:


Fits nicely in a shirt pocket.


Rich Engelhardt
01-08-2022, 11:08 AM
Jim - It'd be nice if this was just limited to drill bits.

Sadly, those legs are known to attach to everything. I have at least three working 18 ga brad nailers. One is still in the package it came in. I got it because it takes 2" and the others are only 1 1/4". Guess what I can't find? I ended up using 1" 23 ga pins instead. It was either that or 1" 16 ga - but - the little legs attached themselves to the 1" nails I have somewhere in the shop.

Have I mentioned my roaming channel locks? Or every single flat blade screwdriver? Those screwdrivers play real games. They swap legs between flat blade ones and Phillips blade ones. When you want a flat blade, the legs attach to them so Ll you find is Phillips. When you want Phillips, the legs run over and attach to them and all you find is flat. When you need both - the legs attach to bot and all you find are torx!

Frank Pratt
01-08-2022, 12:57 PM
Things walk away when I'm not looking all the time. The solution is to go buy another. Then when it gets to the point where the new one can't be returned, the original shows up. But that only works with things that you only need one of.

Jim Koepke
01-08-2022, 4:27 PM
It is unclear to me how it was developed but one of my superpowers is being able to put things back where they belong. Even though many things will stay on my bench for days, weeks or months through an ongoing project, they are put back where they belong when no longer needed.

Often at the end of the day there is a rush to dinner out the shop door. Most often things get put in order upon entering at the beginning of a day in the shop. Sometimes if there is extra time at the end of the day items are wiped down, sharpened if need be and then put back where they belong.


Ronald Blue
01-08-2022, 4:40 PM
What a relief to see this post. I thought I had the market cornered on things not being where I thought I left them. I know someone is moving things around on me. I forget to take the tape measure off my belt or pencil out of my pocket. They end up in the house. Then I forget to take them back to the shop and I bring another pencil or tape in next time. It's a conspiracy and I know it!!! :rolleyes:

Bill Dufour
01-08-2022, 5:27 PM
I miss free tape measures from horrible fright. I know I have two or more under the house we are selling.
Bill D

George Bokros
01-08-2022, 6:40 PM
The answer is "Fly Paper." Place all tools on the sticky paper and they cannot walk away.

Rich Engelhardt
01-09-2022, 5:07 AM
George - that's what I need! Only really, really, really strong stuff! The ordinary stuff won't work. I need stuff that could stop & grab hold of a D9 Dozer!