View Full Version : finished cleaning up my fathers wooden tool chest

Brian Runau
01-02-2022, 4:17 PM
thanks to everyone for your suggestions on how to go about this. Used a green scrubber with murphy's oil soap. Let coffee sit in for about 3 weeks and then sprayed it with shellac.

My Father built this in high school I am guessing 1938. he used it when he was starting out as a machinist. Brian


Frederick Skelly
01-02-2022, 4:21 PM
That came out well Brian. And heirloom items like this are always a treat to have and use. Enjoy!

Bill McNiel
01-03-2022, 10:12 PM
Sweet, good on ya!

Ron Citerone
01-04-2022, 8:54 PM
Nice Job! I have a few things of my Dad’s and they are special to me as I am sure that chest is to you. Enjoy it!

Mike Null
01-13-2022, 8:03 PM
Nice job. Those chests are so useful they are always cherished.