View Full Version : Lm guide installation

Brian Runau
12-23-2021, 7:46 PM
I need to install guides on a dresser. Front can sit on a cross stringer, but the rear is unsupported. I can and plan to screw in the sides for install, but looking for suggestions on how to best level for install. Thanks brian

Bill Dufour
12-23-2021, 8:16 PM
Bill D.

Brian Runau
12-23-2021, 8:57 PM
Bill D.

Just ball bearing drawer guides like Blum. Lm linear motion. I used to sell industrial for thk,Japanese company. Thanks brian

Jamie Buxton
12-23-2021, 11:48 PM
Two possible installation techniques which I have used....

* Turn the cabinet on its side. Now you can put the slide in place, and it won't fall down. Use a framing square or a T-square to set the slide at right angle to the cabinet front.

* Leave the cabinet upright. Build a specialized T-square. The top of the T part rides along the cabinet front. The other arm of the square supports the slide. In your case, the supporting arm needs a jog in it to get around the case's cross stringer. The square needs to be used on the left and on the right, so the top of the T likely needs to be wider than the support arm. Use a clamp to hold it in place when you're installing a slide.

Brian Runau
12-24-2021, 6:07 AM
Two possible installation techniques which I have used....

* Turn the cabinet on its side. Now you can put the slide in place, and it won't fall down. Use a framing square or a T-square to set the slide at right angle to the cabinet front.

* Leave the cabinet upright. Build a specialized T-square. The top of the T part rides along the cabinet front. The other arm of the square supports the slide. In your case, the supporting arm needs a jog in it to get around the case's cross stringer. The square needs to be used on the left and on the right, so the top of the T likely needs to be wider than the support arm. Use a clamp to hold it in place when you're installing a slide.

Thanks Jamie. I was thinking square also. Brian

Rich Engelhardt
12-24-2021, 6:53 AM
Since I'm going through a similar thing right now....

I tried & failed using a torpedo level & measuring - both from the top of the case down and from the bottom of the case up.

What I plan to do next is to cut a couple of pieces of scrap as Jamie suggests.

I have to say also - these are great & make things a whole lot easier:
https://www.rockler.com/rockler-universal-drawer-slide-jig?country=US&sid=V91040&promo=shopping&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=PL&gclid=Cj0KCQiA_JWOBhDRARIsANymNOZ6UNh2BD_DzqBgZo7_ LWoo9AU3hVqEloST-UleoL3I60rcwKkjYhEaAkbzEALw_wcB

Kreg also sells a similar tool.

Darrell Bade
12-24-2021, 8:55 AM
Did this yesterday. Used the two pieces of scrap wood method.