View Full Version : First Day of the Year That Is Longer Than the Day Before It

Thomas Wilson
12-21-2021, 12:08 PM
While others may like winter or really get into celebrating Christmas, Saturnalia, Hanukkah, or Kwansa, I privately, internally celebrate that day, which is today, that is longer than the day before. The next biggie is the first day that is longer than the night before. I am a summer person.

Doug Garson
12-21-2021, 12:31 PM
While others may like winter or really get into celebrating Christmas, Saturnalia, Hanukkah, or Kwansa, I privately, internally celebrate that day, which is today, that is longer than the day before. The next biggie is the first day that is longer than the night before. I am a summer person.
I think you're early, today Dec 21st is the shortest day, tomorrow is the first day which is longer than the day before. Of course this assumes you are north of the equator.

Lisa Starr
12-21-2021, 12:45 PM
Today is my birthday and I've always considered it ironic that I was born on the shortest day. I'm very definitely a summer person!

Doug Garson
12-21-2021, 1:22 PM
Today is my birthday and I've always considered it ironic that I was born on the shortest day. I'm very definitely a summer person!
Happy Birthday! :)

Barry McFadden
12-21-2021, 1:34 PM
Unless the OP is talking about some obscure thing I have not heard of that maybe days are not all 24 hours long.... possibly they might be seconds different from each other???
When talking about shortest amount od daylight then I agree with Doug.

(EDIT)..... I just searched if every day was the same length in Hours/Minutes ... and it was hurting my brain trying to understand it!!!!!!!

Mel Fulks
12-21-2021, 2:34 PM
Lisa, We hope it’s a great day for you. I once worked in a greenhouse that stayed 130 degrees, That’s “hot before high” summer. A trip
out side to 95 needed a sweater!

Howard Garner
12-21-2021, 3:37 PM
First Day of the Year?
That would have been last January
Howard Garner

Lisa Starr
12-21-2021, 5:15 PM
Thank you all for the kind wishes.

Thomas Wilson
12-21-2021, 8:04 PM
Thank you all for the kind wishes.
Happy Birthday, Lisa. Another very good reason to celebrate today.

Bill Dufour
12-21-2021, 8:18 PM
1972 was the longest year in history.
Bill D.

Warren Lake
12-21-2021, 8:23 PM
good nice to hear something positive for a change and instantly uplifting.

Happy birthday

Good year 72 they built my pickup truck:)

John Stankus
12-21-2021, 8:57 PM
1972 was the longest year in history.
Bill D.

My guess was that was due to location, location, location.

Thanks to all who spent their longest years on our behalf.

Kev Williams
12-21-2021, 9:54 PM
I graduated high school in '72, so now there's an explanation as to why it seemed like it'd never end!!
(even if it WAS only 5 months of actual school!) ;)

Brian Elfert
12-21-2021, 10:38 PM
It always seems to me that it is well into January before the days really start to feel longer.

Dave Zellers
12-21-2021, 10:57 PM
Quite surprised by all the push back, but I agree with the OP, TW.

The first time the daylight goes from negative to positive is a big deal for me as well. It's the light at the end of the tunnel. Now just get through January, and then February is a breeze because every day brings me closer to the March bulbs and the rebirth of spring.

The symptoms of low light are very real for me but at the same time I have learned to turn Jan and Feb into serious shop time. But as an avid gardener, everything takes a sharp turn when March arrives.

Mel Fulks
12-22-2021, 12:14 AM
I think you all would be happier with a North - South line drawn on the ceiling of south facing window. After you do that ….place a small
mirror on the sill directly under the line. Over time you can mark the location of special days on the line and watch for them. “Amaze your
friends”. There are many old out door noon marks that go unused and even un-noticed , some are even built into monuments.

Rich Engelhardt
12-22-2021, 8:02 AM
Every year my tired old bones care less and less over nit picking the "days get shorter/days get longer" part of the solstice - be it Winter or Summer.

I'm just happy that it will get light a little earlier and stay light a little longer for the next 6 months.

Maurice Mcmurry
12-22-2021, 8:19 AM
Six months ago we had a flock of Starlings gather in our and the neighbors back yards. Hundreds of them. They have shown up precisely on the longest day of the year every year for as long as I have been paying attention to such things. It is amazing to me. We just received a Christmas card personalized by the sender with a line from Dante.
"And thence we came forth to see again the stars" I sure do share Thomas Wilson's sentiment. Thanks for the reminder. -Maurice

Bill Dufour
12-28-2021, 2:44 PM
I graduated high school in '72, so now there's an explanation as to why it seemed like it'd never end!!
(even if it WAS only 5 months of actual school!) ;)
But it was only two seconds longer then mine five years latter.
Bill D

Perry Hilbert Jr
12-29-2021, 9:04 AM
I don't like the hot sweaty summers most folks in the Mid Atlantic and south eastern states have. However, I am a big fan of more daylight. Between the overcast sky and early sunset, yesterday I was feeding cattle in the dark at 4:45 pm. I visited Washburn ND the last week of June almost 30 years ago. The daylight lasted from about 5:30 am to almost 10 pm. If it wasn't for the incredibly dark and cold winters, I would have moved there.

I spent three years in Miami, and there is not much as difference in the amount of day light from winter to summer as here in PA. Something about 80 degrees and dark at 5:00 pm seemed so very wrong to this northern boy. Sunrise to sunset on the longest day is only 13hrs 45 minutes shortest is 10 hrs 30 minutes. Here in PA, the shortest sunrise to sunset is 9 hr 20 minutes. The longest is exactly 15 hours. IN Washburn ND shortest sunrise to sunset is 8 hrs 28 mins and longest is 15hrs 57 mins. Calgary 7 hrs 57 mins vs 16 hrs 17 mins None of these include morning or evening twilight which can be an hour each. One of those if I won the lottery, spending winter in the Southern hemisphere would be nice.

Curt Harms
12-29-2021, 9:34 AM
It always seems to me that it is well into January before the days really start to feel longer.

SWMBO was born in Philadelphia and Benjamin Franklin is something of a patron saint. She celebrates Franklin's birthday - January 17 - because by then the days are noticeably longer. She's not a fan of short cold days either.

Steve Demuth
12-29-2021, 10:02 AM
But as an avid gardener, everything takes a sharp turn when March arrives.

My wife and I are dedicated growers as well, with gardens for food, flowers, and fiber (she grows a large garden for natural dyes and for linen production), and a large orchard. One thing I really like about winter is that all that is put temporarily on hold by the short days and cold. From roughly November 1st, through late February, the only thing we do that is garden related is eat or use the products of last year's efforts. The one exception is forcing amaryllis flowers to add some natural color to the sun side of the house, and cracking and processing nuts harvested from the orchard in the fall. Then in late February, we're pretty well pumped to get back to growing, starting with planting cool season crops in the greenhouse.

We note the ebb and flow of daylength, and when I was working, I did find the months when I both left for work and returned from work in the dark a bit trying. Other than that, I enjoy the swing of the seasons.

My daughter, who lived for some years well North of the Arctic Circle, in Yukon Territory, and who now studies and teaches on the Arctic environment, history, and ethnography, has related many stories of the adaptations of the native people she lived with to the far more dramatic swings in daylength there (in the village she lived in, the sun went down in early November, and didn't rise again until late January; and likewise, there was a single "day" from early May to late July). People there (who lived very outdoor lives in general), slept 12 hours or more a day in the deep of winter, and only 5 or 6 hours max during high summer. But troubles with alcohol and drugs also increased markedly in the dark months.

Roger Feeley
01-06-2022, 3:55 PM
I think you're early, today Dec 21st is the shortest day, tomorrow is the first day which is longer than the day before. Of course this assumes you are north of the equator.
Doug, you might be right or not. The winter solstice doesn’t always fall on the 21st. It is my birthday and my mother used to joke that, “It was a daaaark day when you were born.” I quote her from time to time and an amateur astronomer told me that the calendar and solar events don’t always match. I freely admit that i took him at word value and never checked for myself.

I think it’s a leap year thing.

Roger Feeley
01-06-2022, 3:56 PM
Today is my birthday and I've always considered it ironic that I was born on the shortest day. I'm very definitely a summer person!
My birthday too but I’m a winter person.

Bill Dufour
01-06-2022, 5:05 PM
My middle brother was born in October, during the seventh inning stretch.
Bill D

Doug Garson
01-06-2022, 5:15 PM
Doug, you might be right or not. The winter solstice doesn’t always fall on the 21st. It is my birthday and my mother used to joke that, “It was a daaaark day when you were born.” I quote her from time to time and an amateur astronomer told me that the calendar and solar events don’t always match. I freely admit that i took him at word value and never checked for myself.

I think it’s a leap year thing.
According to the Almanac "The first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere is marked by the winter solstice, which occurs on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, at 10:59 A.M. EST. " :)

Maurice Mcmurry
06-21-2022, 6:58 PM
Fish are jumping and the cotton is somewhere down south.

Thomas Wilson
06-21-2022, 8:06 PM
“Catfish are jumping, paddle wheel thumping. Black water keeps rolling in past just the same.”

It has been a fine day with the sun reaching as far north as it can this year.

Maurice Mcmurry
06-21-2022, 8:35 PM
We avoided the Black Water of the Big Muddy but did make it to an abandoned strip mine for a dip. It is one of the only swimming holes that remains safe for swimming in our county. Giving the Doobie Brothers and Greshwin a spin right now! Wes Montgomery's version of Summertime is my favorite. Etta James and Eva Cassidy are tied for second. Happy summer to all!

Lee DeRaud
06-21-2022, 8:42 PM
The Earth's rotation is slowing due to tidal forces from the moon, so every day is longer than the one before it.

(Not a LOT, mind you, but over time these things add up. :) )

Lee DeRaud
06-21-2022, 8:48 PM
Wes Montgomery's version of Summertime is my favorite. Etta James and Eva Cassidy are tied for second. Happy summer to all!
I've always been partial to the Herbie Mann version, since it was my first real introduction to jazz in the mid-1960s.

Jim Koepke
06-21-2022, 9:59 PM
Fish are jumping and the cotton is somewhere down south.

We avoided the Black Water of the Big Muddy but did make it to an abandoned strip mine for a dip. It is one of the only swimming holes that remains safe for swimming in our county. Giving the Doobie Brothers and Greshwin a spin right now! Wes Montgomery's version of Summertime is my favorite. Etta James and Eva Cassidy are tied for second. Happy summer to all!

I've always been partial to the Herbie Mann version, since it was my first real introduction to jazz in the mid-1960s.

There are a few versions one enjoyable version is Ella Fitzgerald and Lous Armstrong > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHAfhPrrKHA


Dave Zellers
06-21-2022, 10:06 PM
For me it's Ella and Louie.

Bruce Page
06-22-2022, 12:27 AM
For me it's Ella and Louie.
My favorite version as well, I listened to it today.