View Full Version : Using up scraps

steven c newman
12-21-2021, 11:07 AM
Long time ago (last Christmas..) I made a Blanket/Hope chest...with a Aromatic Red Cedar floor.....have used up most of the scraps of Cedar since then...still had a small stash left...:D
Thought about making a small box out of this mess. Cross cut saw was waiting for use...
And the only end that needed "shot" was a "Factory" end...
Thought maybe a box about this size....maybe some finger joints at the corners?

Used a 3/16" sash chisel to space the fingers, and do the chopping out...
Disston No.68 was used to saw the lines,,
Use a No. 65 to mark the baselines...
Also using some Ash scraps to help out...

Next time I meander to the shop...I'll see about getting the other 3 corners done...then see about a bottom and a lid
The SW marking gauge..

Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
12-22-2021, 5:16 PM
Well, after the shop clean-up this afternoon, decided to get some work done, as well. Re-arranged to finger spacings a bit...soon had Corner # 2 dry fitted up..
Looking a bit better, too....might as well get corner #3 done..
Which left corner #4 to do....keep getting better fits....always the first one, that doesn't quite fit....by the time I get to the last corner..
Both ends have a knot in them...but not in the same spot...

Decided a Poplar panel for the bottom will work....needed to cross cut a couple pieces..
One wasn't wide enough, yet 2 were too wide....ripped the excess off at the bandsaw. Not the straightest of rip cuts ( never is) but that's ok, as a plane will straighten that out. Need a good glue joint edge..
Clamped the 2 boards together in the vise, run the Millers Falls No. 9 as a jointer ( Size the plane to the work) and then some glue and clamps..
Bench vise acts as a 3rd hand ...and as a caul...let this sit a day...have done just enough in the shop for today..

Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
12-23-2021, 5:51 PM
Well, panel for the box's bottom is out of one set of clamps...needed edges trimmed for width....then the saw marks removed..
I wanted at least one good edge for the next step..
Where I trim the panel for length....then flatten the panel..cleaned up the glue lines, too...
then set this aside with the rest of the box parts....
Going to have some "fun" in a little bit...
Cross cut saw....Stanley No.358.
Part one of today's follies, stay tuned for Part 2...:D

steven c newman
12-23-2021, 6:05 PM
Before I tore the box apart...I sized some Cedar for a lid. Intend to have finger tabs to lift the lid. Front/Back will need to be a bit wider...first. I need 2 blanks..
Then mark how much to saw off as a rip cut..
Decided a handsaw will do this job..
So, take this down from the "Ready Rack"..been awhile..a Disston 20", 10ppi, D8 ( no hyphen)....should work out just fine on this thin stock...
Saw down as far as I can, WITHOUT hitting the vise...flip around and finish the cut..
Wipe the saw down, and hang it back up...and work on getting a good glue up joint..
Then some glue mooshed around, a few cauls, and a couple clamps..
Cauls to keep things flat...as they wanted to bow up from the clamps...set this aside....and, since the glue, and the glue brush was still out....
Still had a few cauls available...
Will let both sit a day, or two..no real rush.

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
12-25-2021, 2:28 PM
No stores open today...Christmas Exchange Party (ate way too much.) was last night....so...might meander to the shop, and remove a bunch of clamps...and hope nothing flies apart...after that?

Stay tuned...:D

Happy Holidays, people!

steven c newman
12-26-2021, 1:00 PM
Well...box is out of the clamps..
Bottom was planed smooth..
All four sides were sanded and planed until smooth and squared up...then the rim around the top of the box was leveled..
Then the box was set aside while the lid was cleaned up, and squared up..
Fancy front was bandsawn...more sanding and some more plane work...while I dug out some hinges...
These came with nails?...Ahhh, I think..NOT! Will use tiny screws, instead...there is also a matching latch..
So....next time I head for the shop..I might try to install all the hardware?
Since I now have a much better (no plastic gears) pilot hole drill....

Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
12-28-2021, 1:08 AM
Well, I was just going to take a couple drills back to the shop, tonight...instead...

Fixed a Bandsaw

Re-handled a small hammer...
Installed 2 hinges...after re-drilling a few holes in the brass..
And adding a latch out in front..
And adding a first coat of varnish.....

The bandsaw's problem? Piece of...junk in the lower guide blocks....had to remove the blade to clear...running good now

The hammer? Kept wondering why the head of the small ball pean hammer kept coming loose......turns out..no wedge, and the head was on upside down...Cleaned up the end of the handle, redid the wedge's kerf and made a new wedge....and installed the head on the handle the correct way...

Had to set up a second eggbeater drill....as the hardware needed bigger holes to clear the screws (instead of nails) and had to move one location down a bit...
A Blue Stanley. Had to sharpen the bit, too.

Normally, the shop stays closed on Mondays...

BTW: Found just enough thin pieces of that cedar, to make a small tray to stash inside the box...

Stay tuned :D

Scott Winners
12-28-2021, 5:10 AM
How much cedar does a box need for odor control? Asking because I don’t know. I got a pair of house shoes to wear upstairs in front of the wood stove for the holidays. Let us say they are wool and the cat is a bit too interested in them.

I am going to make a jointed box and put a cat proof latch on it. I routinely shower downstairs after work before I come up stairs for the evening. My feet are not especially stinky.

How much cedar should I use? And now I am thinking about vent holes the cat can’t get her paws through. When they aren’t on my feet these house shoes need to be boxed, lamb is one of the cat’s culinary favorites.


steven c newman
12-29-2021, 12:00 AM
Home Depot sells a carton of Aromatic Red Cedar slats..to line a closet with...or a blanket chest....or even a shoe box. Slats are 1/4" thick, T&G, about 4" wide.....I'd have to check, but..I think the slats are 48" long. Tain't cheap, either. I picked up a caryon over a year ago..as last years Christmas Exchange Gift was a Blanket Chest....with a Cedar floor. The rest being Ash.

You can rip the tongue or groove off, then rip to match the height of the box....cut a 45 on the ends, and line the sides of the box..NO FINISH. You can even line the floor of the box...will help hold the sides in place.

steven c newman
12-30-2021, 6:48 PM
Ok, decided to re-do the "Dolly Parton" lid....bandsaw to rough out a new profile...then..
A chisel to refine it...the #101 plane to round-over the new edges..
Along each side, down at the bottom, are 3 brass nails. I pre-drilled through the Cedar, until I just started into the Poplar bottom panel. Then drove each nail home.
Lid looks a wee bit better? Started on a tray, tonight..
Should be enough to make a lift out handle, too. Planed all the parts, to remove the rough sawn side...
And..make sure they were all the same height..
Had just started to cut the finger joints..
When the bandsaw's blade broke...:mad:...so..
I guess that means it is quitting time!

Stay tuned :D

steven c newman
01-01-2022, 12:32 PM
Up-date....will be at least a week, or two, before I can buy a new blade (or 3)....went back to the No.68...too coarse, AND I cut the wrong side of the lines for the matching end piece. Tossed that away...put the saw away...cobble a new end piece...
That was a hair too fat....Dug around on the shelves in the shop....was unable to get the old 3-wheeler bandsaw out of it's hidy-hole....however...we have ways
Hmm, once all the dust and cobwebs were removed....
Sears Craftsman (Emerson) 13" tilting table, cast iron base Scrollsaw. Was last seen back when I made a key emblem for a Key Safe box....

Used the side piece as a pattern to follow...cutting on the waste side of the lines...and even left the lines...was still able to turn the blade around in the cut...dry fit required a small hammer..
The Scrollsaw could use a smaller mouth opening....otherwise, seemed to work well enough. 1 done, 3 to go....

steven c newman
01-02-2022, 7:48 PM
Had plumbing issues to correct, today....what we thought was a leaky hose on the clothes washer....turned out to be damaged kitchen sink drain line...where in hooks into the city line. re-connect, and fixed. Dryer vent connection will be next payday....old one was broken at the back of the dryer......didn't get around to any wood shop time, today.

Road trip tomorrow, and a Monday, to boot....might be a little bit before the tray is done.

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
01-03-2022, 4:11 PM
Road trip to Lima, OH...final follow-up on my old legs...still have to wear special socks...otherwise, but to normal, for me..

Cause of the bandsaw blade breaking (bad?).....lower thrust bearing had frozen up....had to replace the bearing. While I have the bandsaw torn down...did some Maintenance on the area...table might even sit better, now...we'll see....as soon as I can get a new blade for the bandsaw.

Today being a Monday..shop was closed...had enough trouble with the bandsaw tear-down...need to clear off the bench, anyway...before I can do the 3 tray corners. Question being...how to attach a handle...finger joints? Sliding dovetails? Hmmm...

steven c newman
01-05-2022, 4:44 PM
This being the Camel Day....gave the shop a try....needed 3 more corners cut and fitted...
End on the right is a bit too thick...will plane down, later....set the sides onto the base..
Later, it will get glued in place...handle blank...
Needs a cut made, mainly to get rid of that knot..
Will sand things smooth, later...had Mortise and tenon work to do..
Once the tenons were cut, I could put the scrollsaw away...and free up the bench...dry fit #1..
Then the other end...and finally, just went ahead and glued things up...didn't even bother to sweep up, just took the camera back upstairs, and called and end to the fighting going on....even the shop stool was always trying to trip me up....that was quite enough "fun" for today.....always tomorrow,eh...

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
01-06-2022, 2:40 PM
Well...glue-up had sat about long enough...might try in a little bit...say about 3:00 pm? need to get the bottom panel glued in place...and figure out how to fit this into the box..so that it won't rattle around...

Stay tuned...cussing MIGHT be required?

steven c newman
01-06-2022, 4:09 PM
Took a while to clean it up, and get it square...
Round up a selection of c clamps...get the bottom about flat...a few cauls rounded up...

Let this sit a day.

Waiting on the Laundry, right now...stay tuned..

steven c newman
01-07-2022, 5:50 PM
Came out of the clamps, today...needing a wee bit of clean up..
Need 3 compartments in the bottom of the box..
And as a place to sit the tray on..
I guess I can call this ..done?

Just need to clean up the top of the bench...again..
Ya think?

Thanks for looking in...

Jerry Olexa
01-08-2022, 2:41 PM
Looking good Steve, as always.....

Stew Denton
01-08-2022, 3:32 PM
Steve, +1 to what Jarry said.

I might add that the nice finish spruced up the project, as the finished red cedar has a very nice look to it and seems pretty fitting for the project. I especially like the touch of the rounded corners.

Thanks, and regards,
