View Full Version : How do you tell someone

Rich Engelhardt
12-18-2021, 9:14 AM
what you think of the new kitchen they are so proud of?

(you need to be a contributor to see it)

Zachary Hoyt
12-18-2021, 9:24 AM
I would say "Isn't that something!"

Curt Harms
12-18-2021, 9:27 AM
Good execution (great job!) leaving unsaid that the design sux.

glenn bradley
12-18-2021, 9:49 AM
Ayyy man, dat is charp. Eeet matches dee interior of my chort wit da twice-pipes.

Ronnie Hurst
12-18-2021, 9:53 AM
"You must be proud"

Patrick McCarthy
12-18-2021, 9:54 AM
I did not do a google image search, but I ASSUME that is an old image of a kitchen located somewhere far from NE Ohio, and the guy sho built is dead by now. So, to answer your question: You don’t, because they can’t hear you.

Bryan Lisowski
12-18-2021, 10:13 AM
I wouldn’t say anything, the whole time thinking, money doesn’t buy good taste.

Ronald Blue
12-18-2021, 10:43 AM
Amazing! Do the doors come off to make a bed?

Paul F Franklin
12-18-2021, 10:47 AM
As a female comedian whose name I don't recall once said: "If that's what you were going for, you got a good one"

Roger Feeley
12-18-2021, 11:30 AM
Yikes! Maybe it belonged to the owner ov an upholstery business.

Lisa Starr
12-18-2021, 11:33 AM
I'd just say something like "Wow, that's one of a kind. You must be proud of the effort it took to create."

Lee DeRaud
12-18-2021, 11:39 AM
"It must take a lot of Armor-All to keep it that shiny..."

Brian Tymchak
12-18-2021, 11:50 AM
Even my wife was at a loss for words when she saw that.

Can't imagine the oven was turned on even once after the makeover as I don't see any melted material.

Doug Garson
12-18-2021, 11:57 AM
Very carefully. :eek:

Alan Rutherford
12-18-2021, 12:10 PM
Those urns are the remains of the 3 people who said what they really thought.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-18-2021, 1:00 PM
That's very unique and the upholstery is well tufted!

Stan Calow
12-18-2021, 1:09 PM
It depends on who these people are and what, if any, relationship you want to maintain.

Frederick Skelly
12-18-2021, 1:11 PM
Is that the kitchen in, well, a "house of ill repute"? Or a strip club?

I guess I'd smile wide and ask where he's going to install the dance pole. :) :) :)

Mel Fulks
12-18-2021, 2:02 PM
That was not easy to do, but they tufted it out . Way out ! Federal government now requires that wall treatment in homes with Poltergeists.

Lee DeRaud
12-18-2021, 2:29 PM
Is that the kitchen in, well, a "house of ill repute"? Or a strip club?

I guess I'd smile wide and ask where he's going to install the dance pole. :) :) :)My old dentist's office had a restroom that got similar comments. Apparently he'd done a bunch of dental work for a contractor and the patient paid off his fee "in trade", with the stipulation that he could use materials left over from a previous job. Black marble tile on the floor, dark mirrored tile on the walls and ceiling, gold-plated fixtures...I always expected to see a razor blade and powder residue on the counter.

Kris Cook
12-18-2021, 2:47 PM
Maybe they get in a lot of fights in the kitchen...

John Goodin
12-18-2021, 3:03 PM
Wow! I don't have the ability to build something like that!

Mike Soaper
12-18-2021, 3:29 PM
Makes me wonder if the chairs around the kitchen table were tuffted lazyboyish recliners

Bruce Page
12-18-2021, 4:03 PM
Liberace would be proud.

Jim Koepke
12-18-2021, 4:36 PM
It makes a small galley style kitchen look big.

It looks like a kitchen for a pimpmobile.


Prashun Patel
12-18-2021, 5:40 PM
I would just say it looks great. Costs you nothing, hurts no one. It just validates your friend on work he probably cannot undo anyway.

Every baby, prom picture, and kitchen of a friend is just gorgeous to me.

Myk Rian
12-18-2021, 7:53 PM
My words? You must be kidding.

John K Jordan
12-18-2021, 8:17 PM
I would just say it looks great. Costs you nothing, hurts no one. It just validates your friend on work he probably cannot undo anyway.
Every baby, prom picture, and kitchen of a friend is just gorgeous to me.

Excellent advice, reveals great wisdom.

Mel Fulks
12-18-2021, 10:35 PM
I just remembered that when I was a kid the custom car magazines were full of “diamond tufted “ car seats. Everybody liked them.

William Lessenberry
12-19-2021, 2:15 AM
I would be honest. "Wow, looks like saltines!"

Brian Elfert
12-19-2021, 8:57 AM
The stove looks like those sold for use in RVs.

Steve Demuth
12-19-2021, 9:39 AM
All of our friends and visitors have complimented our home, notwithstanding that none of them have or would build or buy one like it. There is a lesson in that, somewhere.

Erik Loza
12-19-2021, 10:59 AM
Liberace would be proud.

I actually spit out my coffee on this one!

Jim Koepke
12-19-2021, 11:47 AM
The stove looks like those sold for use in RVs.

That's what gave me the impression of a pimpmobile.


Frederick Skelly
12-19-2021, 12:22 PM
So Rich, how about telling us the story behind this post? Did you just pull that pic off the web somewhere, or do you know this person?

Bill Dufour
12-19-2021, 2:09 PM
Reminds me of the molded plastic Spanish style trim from 1970. I bet the living room has paintings on velvet. As Richardo would say made with rich Corinthian leather. Was that a code for naughyde.
Bill D

Perry Hilbert Jr
12-19-2021, 2:43 PM
Oh come on, no different than when a wife asks "how's this look?" After a year, she knows how to interpret the real meaning of certain phrases like "Honey, you look good no matter what you wear." This year my wife lost 30 pounds and is almost back to the sexy figure she had when we married. In an effort to help support and encourage her struggle with weight, I would say things when she wore a new pair of smaller size jeans, "Wow, what a nice butt, etc." I made an effort to keep it up the whole time and then recently things just got so hectic, I forgot to say it a couple times. All of a sudden, I get questioned why I don't like her figure with the weight off. For future reference: No matter what I say, I cannot win.

Jim Koepke
12-19-2021, 2:54 PM
Candy just now looked at it and said, "the oven is screaming."


Bert Kemp
12-19-2021, 5:36 PM
I actually spit out my coffee on this one!

I thought it was a standard SMC rule to not drink coffee while viewing pictures or the levity thread:rolleyes:

Alex Zeller
12-19-2021, 7:04 PM
Maybe the wife tends to throw stuff at the husband when mad. Would would want to see a dent in cherry from a cast iron pan?

Kev Williams
12-19-2021, 10:22 PM
One man's hideous is another man's gorgeous, to each his own!

How many of your parents- or YOU- :D - have bought something resembling these?

*** bonus points***
if you can name these 2 cars below, especially the white one :)

IMO, those tuck 'n' rolled cabinets are MUCH easier to look at ;)

Mike Soaper
12-19-2021, 11:59 PM
Those cabinets brought to mind a far distant post from a cabinet installer/maker? who said something along the lines of "if i install another "golden oak" cabinet i'm going to "lose it"", because he had installed so many that he found them extreemly boring.

So maybe he installed it, or did lose it and needed a padded kitchen?

Mike Soaper
12-20-2021, 12:01 AM
green car - edsel
white and red car w/ roof rack - AMC pacer

Jim Koepke
12-20-2021, 1:26 AM
Flat sided grey car - Citroen 2cv (deux chevaux vapuer)

I owned a Citroen Méhari (recreational version) for a very short time.


Rich Engelhardt
12-20-2021, 6:50 AM
So Rich, how about telling us the story behind this post? Did you just pull that pic off the web somewhere, or do you know this person?
I just ran across this picture and figured this is probably the most "anti-wood" picture of kitchen cabinets possible & my fellow wood-nuts wood get a kick out of it. ;)

Tom Bain
12-20-2021, 9:27 PM
I would be polite in response, but at the same time thinking to myself “this is where food goes to die”

Lee DeRaud
12-20-2021, 9:51 PM
*** bonus points***
if you can name these 2 cars below, especially the white one :)
Black one is pretty easy: Aston-Martin Lagonda. File that one under "Seemed like a good idea at the time."
White one, no idea: it's not really that ugly, it's just relentlessly generic. Mid-'80s Olds or Pontiac mid-size if I had to guess.

Kev Williams
12-21-2021, 10:03 PM
I KNEW you'd know the Aston-Martin, Lee! :)

Believe it or not, the white car is a (cough) 1980 Dodge Challenger...

Lee DeRaud
12-21-2021, 10:59 PM
Believe it or not, the white car is a (cough) 1980 Dodge Challenger...
Had to look that one up: actually a rebadged Mitsubishi...makes as much sense as a 4-door Charger, I guess. Urp.

Frank Pratt
12-22-2021, 11:03 AM
I had a similar reaction to that kitchen to what I get from a lot of live edge, epoxy pour river tables :eek:

Rich Engelhardt
12-22-2021, 12:52 PM
I had a similar reaction to that kitchen to what I get from a lot of live edge, epoxy pour river tables Somehow I can see that live edge table blending in quite well with those cabinets...they were made for each other. All that's needed is a shag rug and a Harvest Gold stove & refrigerator.

& flocked wallpaper in the dinette with the table......and a lava lamp on the table. No..scratch that. Lava lamps are neat. I like lava lamps....

George Yetka
12-22-2021, 1:16 PM
Makes sense, you belong in a padded room.

Frank Pratt
12-22-2021, 2:51 PM
Somehow I can see that live edge table blending in quite well with those cabinets...they were made for each other. All that's needed is a shag rug and a Harvest Gold stove & refrigerator.

& flocked wallpaper in the dinette with the table......and a lava lamp on the table. No..scratch that. Lava lamps are neat. I like lava lamps....

But the flocked wallpaper has to be deep crimson. And yes, lava lamps will always be cool.

Rich Engelhardt
12-22-2021, 3:36 PM
But the flocked wallpaper has to be deep crimsonLOL! That's what I had in the laundry room of my old house! Somebody had purchased 6 rolls of it from the store I worked at and never came to pick it up. We stuck it in a closeout pile & it sat there for a few years. I finally got sick of moving it around and bought it for like $5 for the whole mess of it, then took it home and hung it in the laundry.

Yep it looked like exactly what you'd think it looked like ;) .

I should also mention - this was about a year after my wife had left and a few years before I met my present wife. No way that stuff would have gone on the wall with either of them around :D

Rollie Meyers
12-27-2021, 1:03 AM
A new twist on the joke that safe sex is a padded headboard. One question is that in a trailer? The range looks European or RV sized.

Tim Tucker
01-01-2022, 9:48 AM
I am thinking that the designer MUST be the love child of Elvis and Austin Powers.....

Rick Potter
01-04-2022, 3:57 AM
Looks like an eastern European hotel suite to me.