View Full Version : Hard Wood supplier in Greater Toronto Area

Luis Reyes
12-16-2021, 11:34 AM
Hi All,

I'm still new to woodworking and looking to start working with hard wood to make a cutting board or some picture frames. Does anyone have any suppliers that will sell single boards in the area? I live in the west end of Toronto. I tried google but the webpages weren't too informative. Maybe I just need to go visit the stores?



Warren Lake
12-16-2021, 12:07 PM
Century Mill

Rod Sheridan
12-17-2021, 7:22 PM
Hi Luis, as Warren indicated, Century Mill in Stouffville, that’s where I shop.

In the west end A&M Lumber in Cambridge.

You might want to also join the Canadian forum at Canadianwoodworking.com

Regards, Rod