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View Full Version : Should a piano hinge sit slightly proud?

Dan Baginski
12-05-2021, 6:27 PM
Installing a piano hinge on a chest. Been ages since I’ve used one. Should the barrel sit slightly proud of the top? It seems like it should to avoid binding. I won’t be installing it into a recess, just flush mount.

Jim Becker
12-05-2021, 6:55 PM
The piano hinges I used on some of my tack trunks all had the barrel proud of the case surface. That's the only way to have things set up so there is minimal gap between the two things being joined at the hinge.

Richard Coers
12-05-2021, 11:21 PM
The center line of the pin must be above the wood if you want it to open completely. Put the pin below the surface and the wood will contact before the lid goes full open.

Dan Baginski
12-05-2021, 11:37 PM
Appreciate it, thanks