View Full Version : Half column by hand

Phil Mueller
12-03-2021, 5:41 PM
The wall clock I’m working on calls for half columns up each side. I wanted them in a contrasting wood from the walnut cabinet, so decided to go with some Jatoba I had. I was extremely tempted to figure out some sort of way to shape them with a router (bull nose or quarter round bits), but decided I needed some zen hand tool work.

Starting with rough cut stock and a half circle drawn on each end, I used a #5 to rough out the shape. To hold the piece, I just used double stick tape and stuck it to a scrap 3/4 board which I could them clamp in the vise. This gave me access to all sides with the plane.


Using the #5 and a block plane I got it close.


One side, then the next.


Then using a card scraper, which incidentally had a perfectly sized concave shape, the high spots, etc. were evened out. Then using a wood block with the same curve cut out, used sand paper to finish it up.


I don’t usually keep track of time, but I’d say all in a little over an hour. Not bad, I suppose. One more to go.

Just a quick edit to say, yes, I’m left handed. So things may look a little backwards for many.

James Pallas
12-03-2021, 7:55 PM
Nice work. Sometimes hand work goes so quickly we loose track if time.

Mark Rainey
12-03-2021, 8:26 PM
Good beginnings Phil. Keep us posted on your progress.

Dave Zellers
12-03-2021, 9:11 PM
Excellent job.

And nice scraper! Where did you get it if I may ask.

Phil Mueller
12-03-2021, 10:58 PM
Thanks all. I’ll keep you posted, but I do tend to start what seems like 6 month projects! A little bit at a time and some procrastination to fine tune the design and choose woods, veneers, etc.

Dave, it’s from this set I got at Woodcraft:


Dave Zellers
12-04-2021, 8:51 PM
Great- thanks.