View Full Version : A change of plan (pic)

Bob Noles
01-15-2006, 8:08 PM
Some days just don't go as planned and today was one of them. I had every intention of going to the shop to make a first attempt at turning something that might resemble a bowl. When I opened the door, I spotted a small piece of cherry burl still laying on my workbench that I dug out of my box of samples from John Hart a while back and had set aside. It was a fine piece of wood and I was waiting until I gained enough experience to try to make a pen from it and do it justice. Well, it just kept sitting there haunting me. Today I just did not have the focus I felt I needed to learn something that I had not tried before (like a bowl) so my popcorn will have to wait Carole. :rolleyes:

I picked up that piece of burl and started looking it over. Funny thing dawned on me in so doing.... I had never really looked at a burl up close and personal like this before, as a matter of fact, this may be the first time I have ever even touched a burl (we don't use them in flat work upstairs). ;) That thing just kept begging me to take it on today, but I just kept putting it back down being a little intimadated by it still. Finally I got up the nerve and grabbed a pen blank from my stock and began measuring and marking on the burl. After getting it about the same size as one of my store bought blanks. I took it over to the band saw to carefully cut my stock to make a pen blank. When I began pushing that little piece of burl thru the blade, I though something in my shop was burning, but soon realized it was just the burl offering strong resistance to the cut. Man is that ever some hard stuff! :eek: I finally got 2 pieces sized up and drilled out with a 7mm bit in the drill press and proceeded with epoxy gluing the tubes in the burl.

Upon returning to the shop after some drying time, I readied the lathe and touched up the gouge and skew on the grinder and mounted the blanks on the mandril as I had done over a dozen times before, thinking this was going to be just another pen blank to turn. Did I mention that this burl is some hard stuff? :eek: My gouge just wanted to bounce off the blanks :mad: I ran over and grabbed my book and checked to see if I was doing something wrong or holding the tool improperly... nope... everything was just as I had done over a dozen times before. Me and that burl went round and round (yes literally) and up and down all over the place. What a wild ride, but I finally made it round after the fight of my life with a piece of wood! Once round, the skew went a little better, but the cuts were sure slow and laborous. Yep... that burl is some hard stuff alright. (either that or John Hart is having some fun with me :) )

Oh well.... to make a long story short.... here is the burl in it's finshed stage. What do ya think of a newbies first try on a burl?

Gary Max
01-15-2006, 8:20 PM
Great looking pen Bob-----I hope you make you first bowl out of something less challenging---maybe a nice hunk of maple or apple.
Burls can be a real bear to make bowls out of.

Robert Mickley
01-15-2006, 8:23 PM
In my best Homer Simpson voice,,mmmmmmmmmm burl!!!!!

They are pretty, some seem to be harder than others, well at least to me.
Nice stuff Bob!!

Keith Burns
01-15-2006, 8:45 PM
Good looking pen Bob !:) Another feat acomplished:)

Bernie Weishapl
01-15-2006, 10:27 PM
Bob that is a nice looking pen. You did a nice job and the finish looks great. Yeeeehawwww. Bowl should be easy now.

John Miliunas
01-15-2006, 10:29 PM
Awesome, dude!!! See...Nuthin' to it! :D Now, just be very, very careful as to whom you show that beauty of a pen to or you may end up prolonging your dive into bowls for a real, real long time!!! :) :cool:

Corey Hallagan
01-15-2006, 10:40 PM
Very very nice Bob, that is a beautiful pen. I have a few pieces of wood that I am in love with too. I have a piece of desert irornwood that I think is just too kewl! I even caught myself looking at the boards in the oak floor, I found a couple pieces of oak burl in there that would make a cool pen! Momma wouldn't be happy though! Nice job Bob!


Curt Fuller
01-15-2006, 11:28 PM
I guess a guy ought to read the whole story before he panics. I read the first few lines about going to the shop to turn a bowl, then looked at the picture and thought "Man, he didn't turn that burl down to a pen I hope."

That's a pretty pen. Now just imaging how pretty that bowl is going to be sitting next to it.

Bill Stevener
01-15-2006, 11:34 PM
Very nice pen Bob. I see a little frog in it.


Ernie Nyvall
01-16-2006, 12:18 AM
Way to go Bob. Nice pen.


Bob Noles
01-16-2006, 6:23 AM
Thanks for all the nice compliments. Y'all have been too kind and I know produce far more advanced work than myself, but I'm chasing the rabbit as hard as I can :D

John Hart
01-16-2006, 7:25 AM
Nicely done Bob! Sorry it was so hard....But nope...God made the tree...Blame him!!!:p