View Full Version : Videos for Cats

Jim Koepke
11-28-2021, 2:19 PM
One of my cats is very clear on enjoying videos made for cats.

She even tends to track the curser on the screen during my time on the computer.

She also watches TV with us.

My big question about the videos for cats with birds, squirrels or mice running around…

Why the heck put commercials in them?

Are they hoping cats watching are going to subscribe to what ever it is they are trying to sell?

My cat tends to loose interest when commercials come on. Hopefully she doesn't fall for the commercial and use my credit card to buy some cat toy.


John K Jordan
11-28-2021, 11:59 PM
One of my cats is very clear on enjoying videos made for cats.
She even tends to track the curser on the screen during my time on the computer.
She also watches TV with us.

My cats ignore screens or anything on them.

However, I knew a canada goose that did. A friend in Colorado had a canada goose walk into the open door of his house one day. The goose stayed around for years - it lived outside the house but came in often to visit. My friend named it Hey Goose.

Hey Goose would watch TV but only when tennis was on. I took video of the goose sitting on the floor in the house watching tennis on a large TV. It would move it's head back an forth watching the players in action.


(Have no clue about the commercials for cats. Maybe they assume a real cat lover would sit and watch with the cat with credit card in hand.)

Mel Fulks
11-29-2021, 12:12 AM
John, That would make a terrific children’s book !

Erik Loza
11-30-2021, 8:58 AM
Our pet sitter puts on dog related movies on the TV and leaves it running while we're gone. Westminster show, "National Geographic: Wolves", etc. No idea if the dogs like it but we find it adorable. The only thing out cats really went nuts for was when I put the live squirrel in a havahart trap right in front of the window.


Curt Harms
11-30-2021, 10:04 AM
We have a cat like that. She will sit on my desk tracking the cursor like a targeting device. Then she sits on her butt and scratches/bats at it with both paws. It's why I have two monitors - one for her and one for me:). She'll also lay alongside my leg in bed with her head facing the TV and her tail brushing my face, and a busy tail it is too. I find it interesting that our cats have a gender preference. Both females are usually in bed with me, both males sleep with SWMBO. No gender confusion in their world.

Jim Koepke
11-30-2021, 12:09 PM
Last night we put the Youtube video of mice on our TV. Both cats enjoyed watching it and getting close to the screen trying to touch the mice.


Kev Williams
11-30-2021, 1:06 PM
Our Malte-poo Daisy, while not a cat, goes total batpoop crazy whenever a dog is on TV. She can be sound asleep and if a commercial with a dog comes on that's she's seen before, she recognizes the music and off she goes. And no matter what we're doing or where we're at in the house, I can tell her 'There's a dog on TV!!' and she'll take off to check it out :)

animals can be funny animals! ;)