View Full Version : Frame Miter Clamping Helper

glenn bradley
11-25-2021, 1:30 PM
I thought I posted this way-back-when under one of my "Random Tips" rambles I get on now and then but cannot find it. This was just going to be a "hey I made some more of these" thread but just in case I really didn't post them before, here goes . . .

You dig through the scrap bin and find a small panel and some scrap that can be cut into a triangle profile as shown.

https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/1110211889_ShopMadeBlokkz(6).jpg.bfb02ef25ff88e91b 17869f125e55044.jpg

(https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/1110211889_ShopMadeBlokkz(6).jpg.bfb02ef25ff88e91b 17869f125e55044.jpg)

Glue the triangle strip on one edge or on both edges if your panel is large enough. I end up with an item that is about 7" long when completely done.

https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/1766426477_ShopMadeBlokkz(7).jpg.430527689c9c51ebd 354d4595b2a6d34.jpg

(https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/1766426477_ShopMadeBlokkz(7).jpg.430527689c9c51ebd 354d4595b2a6d34.jpg)

https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/1798834489_ShopMadeBlokkz(2).jpg.277d5f747add4fdee 88ca387455071d9.jpg

(https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/1798834489_ShopMadeBlokkz(2).jpg.277d5f747add4fdee 88ca387455071d9.jpg)

Slice it into 1-1/4" wide strips on the table saw.

https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/2013651242_ShopMadeBlokkz(3).jpg.4088228426bc58b7a 6dc8777ff1273fd.jpg

(https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/2013651242_ShopMadeBlokkz(3).jpg.4088228426bc58b7a 6dc8777ff1273fd.jpg)

Cut those strips in half and add a hole to hang or string them on when not in use.

https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/1757797555_ShopMadeBlokkz(12).jpg.05a6b0320d47f0f2 5305cfbc58f4b3a0.jpg

(https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/1757797555_ShopMadeBlokkz(12).jpg.05a6b0320d47f0f2 5305cfbc58f4b3a0.jpg)

Cut some abrasive strips. I use 400 grit but anything down to about 220 is fine. Once you get coarser than that you risk damaging the frame part surfaces.

https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/883154316_ShopMadeBlokkz(10).jpg.cac86f6373d7191b1 59509e949fb6eba.jpg

(https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/883154316_ShopMadeBlokkz(10).jpg.cac86f6373d7191b1 59509e949fb6eba.jpg)

https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/825878786_ShopMadeBlokkz(11).jpg.b165655d0ab0ec65c 36b7b8eb1586f5e.jpg

(https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/825878786_ShopMadeBlokkz(11).jpg.b165655d0ab0ec65c 36b7b8eb1586f5e.jpg)

Stick the abrasive strips onto the thing-a-ma-bobs.

https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/1932490553_ShopMadeBlokkz(13).jpg.bf73ceabb4ff7e4a 6915c3ff7631866d.jpg

(https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/1932490553_ShopMadeBlokkz(13).jpg.bf73ceabb4ff7e4a 6915c3ff7631866d.jpg)

And you use them like so.

https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/938307113_ShopMadeBlokkz(14).jpg.91e35b2afaa9eff02 b927fc43c2c85d8.jpg

(https://www.woodtalkonline.com/uploads/monthly_2021_11/938307113_ShopMadeBlokkz(14).jpg.91e35b2afaa9eff02 b927fc43c2c85d8.jpg)

I had a batch of these but cannot find them post-move (yet) and so whipped up another batch this morning.

Steve Eure
11-25-2021, 9:05 PM
Thanks Glenn. That's a nifty thing a ma bob. No issues with slipping while applying pressure? I suppose the sandpaper takes care of that. Great idea.

Leigh Betsch
11-27-2021, 12:09 PM
gotta like it

Christopher Charles
12-25-2021, 4:19 PM
Thanks Glenn, I’ll make some of those soon. I also like the idea of the grip tape on your clamps-what did you use for that?


glenn bradley
12-25-2021, 5:05 PM
Thanks Glenn, I’ll make some of those soon. I also like the idea of the grip tape on your clamps-what did you use for that?


I've gone a few rounds (plastic dip, sport tape, grooves in the handles) and finally found that good ole hockey tape is the way to go. A member on another forum is in Canada and sent me his preferred brand. It works great and really stays put. I used it up and failed to jot down the brand thinking I could get it "anywhere". I could find out but, found this (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01I1WJ6HG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)(in black) to work well. I have switched to black recently and as the last of the sport tape and other attempts start to fail I will wrap them.