View Full Version : Lamello Biscuit joiner dust collection

Phillip Mitchell
11-22-2021, 10:10 AM
I have an original Lamello “minilo top” biscuit joiner that I got on eBay a handful of years back for a good price and have used it plenty in that time (more lately) and really like it except for one big thing. It has no active dust collection and really spews dust at you if you’re standing in the wrong position in relation to the tool. Being that the tool sometimes is used flat / straight ahead and other times upside down / plunging down and the operator has to be at least close enough to line up the cut to the mark at some point before plunging, certain positions are hard to avoid the direct dust cloud.

It seems like what happens is that some of the finer dust gets sucked into the fan of the motor which is “open“ on 3 sides and blows in line with where you want to stand. I have safety glasses that curve around the sides of my eyes, but the dust is so fine that it doesn’t matter and really just assaults you directly to the point of having to stop, recover from the dusty cut and continue on at your own peril. See photos.

Is anyone aware of off the shelf adaptors or any other potential solutions to solve this issue. I’d love to be able to hook this up to my Midi dust extractor for obvious reasons. I have looked on Lamello’s site and at Colonial Saw’s site, but haven’t seen anything appropriate, but maybe am missing something simple.

The joiner is still accurate even after 30 (?) years and is dependable, but it may get shelved for a new Top 21 if I can’t solve the dust issue.

Edwin Santos
11-22-2021, 10:32 AM
I would try emailing Lamello directly with your photos and they may be able to help. The European companies tend to try and stand behind their legacy products in my experience. I recall a dust adapter that plugged into the side port.

Another option, reach out to one of these 3D printer makers and see if someone will 3D print one for you. Here is a guy that made one for his own Lamello of a different design: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3335362

Last suggestion, commercial shops are always in the market for anything that says Lamello. If you sell it and get the Top 21 with the vertical adjustment feature, you won't ever regret it. That thing is a work of engineering.

Kevin Jenness
11-22-2021, 10:39 AM
A friend of mine got a dust fitting for his vintage Lamello from Colonial Saw probably 15 years ago. It's a long shot, but it might be worth a call to see if one is available.

I made a crude but effective adapter for my 35 y/o pre-dust collection Virutex joiner out of plastic tubing, tapped and screwed into the base casting. I would try that before giving up on your Minilo.


If I were to replace my machine I think I would either get the Classic X which is pretty much the same as the minilo or pay the additional $250 over the Top 21 for the Zeta P2- if you expect to be doing any kd casework the Clamex P is an efficient system. The main advantage of the Top 21 seems to be micro-adjustment of the cutter height. For $600 less the Classic X can accomplish the same thing using the auxiliary fence with shims.