View Full Version : Aprons for short people

Michael Rutman
11-19-2021, 9:20 AM
I have 5’4 and have avoided a work apron for decades as they end up being very uncomfortable. Does anyone know of an apron that fits comfortably on a short frame?

By uncomfortable I mean the pockets tend to ride to low. The pockets end up banging against my thighs and after a few hours it is quite chafed and sore. They also tend to jab me in the gut when I bend over. The end comes below the knees causing tripping hazards. I’ve had the displeasure of a borrowed apron where one pocket was so low the metal square managed to stab me in the knee.

clavicle to thigh is about 21 inches.

John K Jordan
11-19-2021, 9:56 AM
I don’t know, but someone with a sewing machine could make or modify one to fit perfectly. Might need a heavy duty machine for a heavy work apron fabric.

Also, needle and thread and scissors might do for a hack job.

BTW, some years ago I realized I could work in wood, metal, plastic, concrete, dirt, etc but not cloth! (I wanted to make an exercise strap for my wife in PT.) So I bought a sewing machine. I may be the only 71 year old guy in my neighborhood with an embroidery machine!

It's come in handy many times. This young friend wanted to learn to embroider and make a present for her friend:

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Warren Lake
11-19-2021, 12:24 PM
In school we got together and one student sowed up a beautiful leather apron for one of the old german teachers and everyone pitched in a bit. It was a nice gift for him, us saying thanks to him.

Zachary Hoyt
11-19-2021, 1:08 PM
I have the opposite problem at 7', aprons don't tend to cover as much as I wish they would. I think the sewing machine idea is great. I learned to use one to make cushion covers for chairs i had made, and now I have a good heavy old Singer 403a with all metal drive train, from the '50s. I also sew all my own sweatshirts from fleece and like having the option of having sleeves that are long enough for my arms.

Jim Becker
11-19-2021, 1:43 PM
Michael, try on some hobby aprons that are made for women...they tend to be cut shorter because the target audience tends to be shorter.

Zachary...that's, um...tall. :D

Zachary Hoyt
11-19-2021, 1:45 PM
Well, size is relative, as the fellow said.

Michael Rutman
11-19-2021, 2:00 PM
Good suggestion, I found one for people 5'2 and taller. It'll probably end up with the pencil sticking into my neck, but we'll see.


Tom Bender
11-27-2021, 3:55 PM
Boats need a lot of reupholstering. Find someone in that business to do any modifications.

Warren Lake
11-27-2021, 4:07 PM
In Waynes World Garth put his underwear in the dryer and they came out smaller.

Jack Frederick
11-28-2021, 11:21 AM
I just picked up a Speedi-Stitcher. YT has some good guidance on it. I am only getting started with it, but a pretty capable tool