View Full Version : Osmo Polyx

Ryan Tea
11-14-2021, 10:11 PM

I am attempting to use Osmo for the first time on a couple small river tables. I purchased the 1101 ultra thin wood wax finish and the 3011 polyx.

I have been reading some horror stories about streaking and blotching. I’ve read several articles and watched every video on YouTube and they all seem to do it differently.

I am sanding to 320.

I was going to use the 1101 for one coat buffed on, sit for 5-30 mins, and then buffed out with a clean white pad.

I was then going to do the same process with the polyx, but immediately buffing it off instead of waiting. I was going to allow a minimum of 8 hours between coats. Before the last coat I was going to use a gray scratch pad to level out the sheen.

Any tips/tricks for people who have used it? I hear the epoxy is the hardest part because it doesn’t go into the pours like the wood. The wax just layers to protect it.

Im trying to eliminate having to sand it down if I mess a step up.


John TenEyck
11-15-2021, 10:08 AM
I've never used Osmo but whenever I use a new product I make a test panel, start to finish, to find out how it looks and identify any problems. It's much easier to adjust the process on a test panel, even discard it and start over, than on your project.


George Yetka
11-15-2021, 10:18 AM
I think your overplanning. I have only ever single coated polyx and got great results. Mostly coasters and charcuterie boards. Sanded to 220, cleaned with mineral spirits. Apply with white pad and take off with clean blue towel. Apply thin and dont let it sit for too long. If it gels up then its a pain to get off as it clogs sanding disks instantly. For the wood sand to 220 or so the pours may close if you go too far. For the epoxy I sand with the wood up to 220 then switch too mirka soft pads 500,1000,2000,3000,4000 cleaning up in between. The epoxy will streak with finish if it gets too thick so get it off farely quick. Cutting board sized do 1 side then remove. Coaster size I do about 6 coasters then wipe clean.

Buffing pads are nice for this but will get expensive as they are not reusable.