View Full Version : E Emerson Tools

Marty Weatherup
11-13-2021, 4:45 PM
I haven't posted in a long time. Mostly due to being out of the active woodworking game for a while. Work and my wife's health have been a priority. But I retired to be home to care for my wife and am getting back at the woodworking.

Does anyone know if E Emerson tools is still in business? I ordered parts from their website in early October. My payment was processed but no acknowledgment of the order and no parts. I’ve made repeated attempts to contact them through email, phone and their contact form. No reply.

Both my long and short straight edge clamps from them are in need of new fixed ends. Wish they would return my communications. Anyone know if they are still in business?

Frederick Skelly
11-13-2021, 8:28 PM
Granted that things are taking longer now, but hitting your card with no acknowledgement of order would make me uncomfortable. Might betime to call your credit card company..

Marty Weatherup
11-14-2021, 6:18 PM
Granted that things are taking longer now, but hitting your card with no acknowledgement of order would make me uncomfortable. Might betime to call your credit card company..

I used the PayPal link. It was hit for the cost of the parts, plus shipping. No other unaccounted for charges.

Frederick Skelly
11-14-2021, 7:00 PM
I used the PayPal link. It was hit for the cost of the parts, plus shipping. No other unaccounted for charges.

Sorry. My point wasnt clear. Wasnt referring to unaccounted-for charges. Generally, the vendors I use dont process payment until the order is ready to ship. The lack of feedback so far would have me wondering if the parts will show up. But with luck, your parts will. I hope so.