View Full Version : Ugh.. Check your supplies first! Q: ProClassic Hybrid/Alkyd over Water?

Yasha Renner
11-13-2021, 3:27 PM
As I write this the first coat of SW ProClassic waterborne is drying on a window jamb where our cat likes to jump onto. Meanwhile, I discover the Water-Alkyd version in the shop, same color and just enough for a couple coats. Can I paint over the previous coat with the PC Alkyd? How long should I wait? Scuff sand?

The sales rep at the SW store said the finishes are not incompatible but the harder finish on the Alkyd may result in cracking, like a film of chocolate on ice cream. Your thoughts? Thanks.... :confused:

Jim Becker
11-13-2021, 7:19 PM
The SW employee makes a good point...putting a harder finish over a softer one can sometimes create a problem including cracking. What you need to consider is if anything likely to compress the harder finish is going to be a factor...